If you want to dive into mid to late-game PVP then Observation/Instinct V2 is a must. It allows you to see your opponent’s loadout and massively buffs your dodges. Here?s how to get Instinct V2 in Blox Fruits easily.
How to Get Instinct V2 in Blox Fruit
I?ll list all the requirements to get Instinct V2 in Blox Fruits and then I?ll go in detail on how to complete each step. You can buy V2 from the Hungry Man on the Floating Turtle in the Third Sea after completing the following:
- Complete the Citizen Quest on Floating Turtle (We need the Musketeer Hat).
- Be Level 1800+ for the Citizen Quest.
- Complete the Hungry Man Quest on Floating Turtle.
- Have 5000 EXP on Instinct/Observation V1.
- Have $5,000,000 to buy Instinct/Observation V2 after Hungry Man Quest.
Let?s go through each step in detail below.
How to Complete Citizen Quest in Blox Fruits

You must be level 1800+ to accept and complete the three parts of the Citizen Quest on Floating Turtle Third Sea. The NPC is located just outside of the building if you arrive via portals. If you arrive via Floating Turtle port, just keep heading forward until you reach the main city and he?ll be outside of the portal mansion. Here are the three parts of the quest that you need to complete to get the Musketeer Hat needed for Instinct V2:

- Defeat 50 Forest Pirates: Once you accept this, I highly recommend you pop a 2x EXP boost and head out just near the Mansion, where you?ll find Forest Pirates. Same as with the Deep Forest Quest Giver, just farm 50 Forest Pirates and you?ll get massive EXP for both the farm and the quest reward once you return to the Citizen.
- Defeat Captain Elephant: You can find Captain Elephant in the forest outside of the Forest Pirates area. You only need to kill him once for the Citizen Quest. I recommend server-hopping to find him. If you have the Robux Boss Respawn, it will work for Captain Elephant.
- Get Musketeer Hat From A Secret Chest: The last Citizen quest is getting the hat which is in a chest behind a secret wall. To reach it, head to the great near the Citizen and look ahead to see a Mushroom in the distance. Go to that mushroom and break the wall behind it to reveal a chest.

Bringing this back to the Citizen will complete the Citizen quests and leave you with the Musketeer Hat we need for Instinct/Observation V2.
How to Farm Instinct EXP in Blox Fruits
The fastest way to get 5000 EXP for Instinct V2 is by using up all of your Instinct V1 dodges. You can then recharge them by re-joining the game or server-hopping to get them all back. Then, repeat this process as many times as you need until you get 5000 EXP. I prefer doing this in the First Sea on the floating island where the Observation trainer is because you can check your progress with him.
Related: How to Get Dragon Eggs
How to Complete Hungry Man Quest in Blox Fruits

The Hungry Man?s Quest is the one you need to complete to be able to buy Observation V2 from him. He?s located on Floating Turtle Island in the Third Sea in the Pineapple tree part of the island. Go into the hanging pineapple houses shown above and accept his quest (You must have completed the Citizen quests first). To complete the Hungry Man quest get the following fruits:

- Apple: Right from the Hungry Man NPC, jump to the nearby wall and run following the wall until you see a hill with a tree on top. The apple is below the tree. I flew there using Dragon fruit in the picture.

- Banana: This one is on Great Tree island. Go there and head toward the side of the island that is turned toward Hydra Island until you see a smaller mountain island separated from the Great Tree island land mass. Cross over to it and you?ll find the banana beneath a tree on top of the hill.

- Pineapple: The final fruit is in Port Town. From the docks, head up to the city and to the right as in the video until you reach the market stalls. The pineapple is between them.

Once you have all the fruits go back to the Citizen NPC on Floating Turtle island and talk to him so that he can put the fruit in a bowl. He won?t do this unless you have completed his full quest. Then bring the fruit bowl to the Hungry Man and he?ll allow you to purchase Observation/Instinct V2 if you have 5000 V1 EXP.
What Does Instinct V2 Do in Blox Fruits?

With Instinct/Observation V2 active, you can see more information about others players in addition to some V1 upgrades. The info you can see includes the player?s current:
- Energy
- Health
- Level
- Fighting Style
- Sword
- Blox Fruit
- Gun
Additionally, Instinct V2 recharges dodges 10 seconds faster, has a larger detection range, and makes your vision less blurry. Your dodges are also faster and you can see if an opponent is charging up a move. I also recommend equipping the Pale Scarf to buff V2 even more with 2 extra dodges and 10x more vision range on players. Just be careful because moves from most fruits and fighting styles still break Instinct.
That?s it for my guide on how to get Observation V2 in Blox Fruits. For more Blox Fruits guides, check out our Logia fruit tier list.