Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran in Blox Fruits, having an easily accessible list of all fruits is incredibly useful. I’ll cover everything you need to know about each fruit as well as how to get them all. Here are all fruits in Blox Fruits.

How to Get All Fruits in Blox Fruits

how to get all fruits in blox fruits
Screenshot by FruityBlox

Below you’ll find the details for all fruits in Blox Fruits and if one has a specific way to get it I’ll explain it in its own section. Otherwise, all fruits have the same methods to get them and here they are:

  • Dealer: Buy them for $ or Robux from the Blox Fruit Dealer. Note that if you buy with Robux, you’ll keep the fruit permanently and can switch it out and back to it with other fruits.
  • Ship, Factory & Pirate Raids: There’s a low percent chance to get any fruit from doing these raids.
  • Fruit Detector: You can buy the Fruit Detector gamepass using Robux to get a guide marker for all fruits that randomly spawn in the world.
  • Blox Fruit Gacha: You can get a random fruit from the Gacha dealer every two hours. His reward pool includes all fruits in the game.
  • Trading: You can trade fruits with players and I would check out the Blox Fruits Discord to organize trades.

Now let’s dive into all the fruits.

Related: Blox Fruits Full Map Guide

All Mythical Blox Fruits


Fruit Icon
Price$15,000,000 or R5,000
Special DropBought or from Dragon Eggs on Prehistoric Island
PassiveM1 Burn: M1s cause burn damage and you have a special M1 attack.
Fury Meter: You have two Fury Meters. The orange one fills over time and allows you to transform into your hybrid dragon form. The second one only fills by dealing damage and allows you to transform into your full Dragon Form. When transformed, taking damage drains the meters and reverts you back to your original form. You can stay in your special forms indefinitely if you don’t take damage.
Hybrid Form: While in this form, gain 30% damage resistance to all attacks and you gain enhanced moves.
Dragon Form: Gain 60% damage resistance to all attacks, greatly enhanced moves, you can fly, and you are immune to crowd control effects.
Mount: At 500 mastery, you can talk to the Dragon Tamer NPC and pay f5000 to allow allied players to ride you as a mount.
Skin: You can change the color of your forms.
Variations: There’s a West and East variation for Dragon that slightly changes the moveset.
Z (1 Mastery)Heatwave Cannon: Fire a beam of scorching energy with long range and massive AOE. Can be charged.
X (150 Mastery)Infernal Pincer: Hold and release to perform a fire trail dash dealing burn damage.
C (250 Mastery)Scorching Downfall: Leap or fly into the air depending on your form and bombard the area below with fire storm projectiles dealing heavy damage. Holding enhanced the duration.
V (350 Mastery)Imperial Evolution: Transform into the Hybrid or Dragon form depending on which bar you filled. Greatly enhances all other moves.
F (75 Mastery)Draconic Soar: Either a fiery dashing grab attack or a dashing AOE damage attack depending on your form.


Fruit Icon
Price$8,000,000 or R4,000
Special Drop(0.1%) by offering Azure Embers to the Kitsune Shrine in the Third Sea
PassiveEnhanced M1: Your M1s are changed to fiery sweeping attacks.
Kitsune Tails: You gain tails passively and by dealing damage. At three tails, you can transform into a fox spirit gaining various benefits. Additionally, at 2 tails you also get a speed boost and at 3 your M1s and F move are boosted.
Ancient Strength: When transformed, gain 20% damage reduction from all sources, improved attacks and speed, enhanced moves, boosted jumps, and an increased dash distance.
Spirit Beast of the Sea: While transformed you can run on water.
Kitsune Mount: Allied players can use you as a mount.
Z (1 Mastery)Accursed Enchantment: Summon spirit flames to damage your opponent if you hit or create a small damage AOE if you miss.
X (50 Mastery)Tails of Burning Agony: Dash in a zig zag pattern dealing damage and stunning enemies along the way. Acts as a powerful grab attack while transformed.
C (100 Mastery)Fox Fire Disruption: Summon and launch a massive AOE damage fireball that leaves a burn AOE if transformed.
V (300 Mastery)Transformation: Transform into your fox form or back into human form.
F (200 Mastery)Wild Assault: Dash forward and unleash a flurry of attacks.


Fruit Icon
Price $5,000,000 or R3,000
PassiveFrost Walker: When transformed summon ice platforms to walk on the sea.
Frozen Fur: While transformed gain 35% damage reduction.
Frozen Afterimage: After using Flash Step while transformed, leave an icy clone behind that explodes.
Yeti Moves: Gain enhanced moves when transformed.
Z (1 Mastery)Arctic Clap:
The user launches a straight-line ice AoE explosion that knocks enemies backwards with a significant amount of knockback.
X (50 Mastery)Frostbite Boulder: The user hurls a huge snowball towards the cursor that creates a delayed ice explosion, damaging enemies behind the impact with an AoE blast.
C (100 Mastery)Glacial Execution: The user launches themselves towards the cursor, and when it hits the opponent, it will grab the opponent, before blasting them away with a devastating amount of force, causing an ice explosion in the process.
V (300 Mastery)Transformation: The user transforms into an upright, large Yeti with red, glowing eyes. The user gains the ability to walk on water.
F (200 Mastery)Tundra Rush: The user charges and grabs the enemy, slamming them into the ground three times (in the air the user makes the enemy spin and then throws the enemy away)


Fruit Icon
Price $5,000,000 or R3,000
PassiveHalf-Leopard Half-Human: The wielder of this fruit is able to transform into a Leopard-Human hybrid. While in this form, they will gain a large speed boost (~67%), reduced cooldowns and 10% damage reduction, but they will be unable to use their Fighting style, Sword or Gun and activate Race V4.
Jump Boost: Gain higher jumps.
Enhanced Abilities: Gain enhanced skills while transformed.
Z (1 Mastery)Finger Revolver: The user shoots a fireball from their finger. If the key is held, it will send a barrage of ghostly index pointing hands first, then after a short moment the blazing projectile will be fired. If damage is taken while the move is held, the final projectile will be fired early.
X (50 Mastery)Spiraling Kick: Kick and send out a slashing projectile toward your cursor.
C (100 Mastery)Afterimage Assault: The user teleports a couple times in their cursor’s direction then lets out a roar that deals damage and knockback. If the user is on the ground then they will smash the ground instead, breaks Instinct in the process.
V (300 Mastery)Transformation: The user transforms into a Leopard-Human hybrid, unleashing a roar which does some damage and breaks Instinct.
F (200 Mastery)Body Flicker: The user moves forward a short distance very fast (like a mini flash step.) and if there is a target in front of the user, they knock them back with a swift kick and deal a good amount of damage, breaks Instinct.


Fruit Icon
Price$3,400,000 or R2,550
PassiveSpirits: You have two Buddies summoned at all times with the Angel Shu and the Demon Ra. Above your moveset is a bar that cycles between blue and red. You use M1 to summon additional angelic or demonic Buddies depending on if the bar is in blue or red respectively. Blue Buddies usually support you with heals or speed boosts while red Buddies are for offense.
Star (Blue): Heals you.
Flying Pig (Blue): Temporary speed boost.
Toxi Mushroom (Red): Spouts poison gas at enemies.
Toad (Red): Pulls nearby enemies and deals damage.
Cursed Tree (Red): Summons roots to stun enemies.
Z (1 Mastery)Frostfire Grasp: The user mounts on the Angel Buddy (Shu) and flies towards the position of their cursor. The user then summons an ice block that damages and stuns people.
X (150 Mastery)Wrath of Ra: Sends Ra to the cursor to explode for heavy AOE burn damage.
C (250 Mastery)Wrath of Shu: Mount and ride with Shu to the cursor to explode for heavy AOE ice damage and freeze.
V (350 Mastery)End of Times: Combine Shu and Ra to shoot down a beam of energy towards the cursor stunning enemies, dealing heavy damage, and causing an AOE explosion.
F (75 Mastery)Sky Ruler: Mount your last used Buddy and fly.


Fruit Icon
Price$3,200,000 or R2,500
PassiveGas Meter: Passively gain gas to fill the Gas Meter which also fills when dealing damage. At full Gas you can transform into a gaseous warrior. While transformed, you get 45% damage reduction and drain your Gas Bar.
Elemental Reflex: Gain immunity to fighting styles, swords, and guns unless the opponent is a Boss class, has the Aura Haki, or is of a certain level higher than you.
Enhanced Abilities: Gain better moves when transformed.
Z (1 Mastery)Suffocating Fumes: Dash forward with gas dealing damage and slashing. Sends out a massive AOE projectile when transformed.
X (100 Mastery)Bursting Vapor:
The user summons rings of violet gas and vapor around them, trapping their opponent. Fires a beam of gas when transformed.
C (200 Mastery)Smog Demons: Summons smog demons and command them to rush toward your enemies dealing poison damage.
V (300 Mastery)Vapor Condensation: Transform at full Gas Meter into a gaseous knight or revert back to human form.
F (50 Mastery)Traveling Gas: Imbue your legs with gas and fly while damaging anything you touch. While transformed dash with your gas sword and lunge at enemies.


Fruit Icon
Price $5,000,000 or R3,000
PassiveArea-Bound: Control’s abilities are confined within the Area it establishes, which remains active for approximately 55 seconds. While inside the Area, the moves of the Koko sword are greatly buffed. The longer that the key is held the bigger it is.
Z (1 Mastery)Control Area: The user creates an Area. Holding Z will make the Area bigger. When used with the Koko sword, both the Z and X moves of the sword will be massively buffed. This also turns the icon of the fruit on the bottom green until the area disappears.
X (1 Mastery)Levitate: The user levitates an object, or part of an object, and can then fling it by releasing the X key. The user cannot dash while holding this move.
C (150 Mastery)Echo Knife: The user hold out a purple/blue-ish sword, then performs a laido strike. if hit, a cutscene will trigger where the user performs multiple slashes on the target and then finishes them off with the final blow, launching them into the air.
V (350 Mastery)Gamma Rush: The user hold out a green-ish sword, then launches a green projectile towards their cursor. If it hits an NPC or a player, a cutscene will trigger where the user begins to launch green slashes all over the Area/Room, damaging everyone inside of it. When the slashing ends, the user goes back to their physical form and does the last slash, dealing the most damage on a specific player/NPC who gets hit by it.
F (250 Mastery)Teleport: Teleports the user to where their cursor is. The user can only teleport onto surfaces inside of their Area. Placing the cursor on a player makes them teleport behind said player.


Fruit Icon
Price$3,000,000 or R2,450
PassiveFury Meter: Start with 50% meter and fill it passively over time and by dealing damage. At full meter you can transform into the Venom beast. Using transformed moves or taking damage reduces the meter. While transformed gain enhanced abilities and a 50% defense buff.
Deadly Poison: Certain abilities leave a cloud of miasma with X, C, and F explosions being the main ones. Enemies that come into contact with the miasma will have their screen darken and take DoT damage.
Poison Puddles: Certain attacks leave behind Poison Puddles. Enemies inside puddles take damage but are immune to miasma.
Venomous Drop: While transformed, air jumping two or more times or going up to a decent height and then falling to the ground will cause a poison explosion and leave a Poison Puddle.
Z (1 Mastery)Poison Daggers: You fire out poison blades. They leave behind puddles and you can hold the ability for more blades.
X (100 Mastery)Noxious Shot: Channel and launch a massive AOE poison blast that leaves behind puddles.
C (200 Mastery)Toxic Fog: Surround yourself with poisonous smoke dealing AOE damage. If transformed, breathe out a massive poison AOE cloud.
V (300 Mastery)Transformation: Switch between Venom beast form and human form.
F (50 Mastery)Serpent’s Wrath: Hold to transform into a venom serpent and fly around. Hitting an enemy or stopping causes a poison explosion and causes poison projectiles to fly out targeting enemies if transformed.


Fruit Icon
Price$2,900,000 or R2,425
PassiveUmbra Meter: You have this shadowy meter that fills up by dealing damage with Shadow abilities and it also fills passively at night. The meter is used for the V move and it also gives you a cosmetic shadowy aura.
Z (1 Mastery)Somber Rebellion:
The user turns into a small dark orb of shadow, then dashes towards their cursor. Upon contact with an opponent, the user will turn into a swarm of bats and damage the enemy, then launch themselves upward, leaving the enemy on the ground. the user will receive i-frames during the duration of the move if they land it. 
X (100 Mastery)Shade Nest:
The user shoots a swarm of bats towards the cursor. Upon surface contact, the swarm will explode, dealing damage and sending a few small bats which will then fly to a nearby enemy and damage them. 
C (200 Mastery)Nightmare Leech: The user lunges forward. If the user makes contact with an enemy, the user will regain 20% of their max health and deal good damage to the enemy, knocking them back.
V (300 Mastery)Corvus Torment:
The user inflates their body into a giant dark sphere, after which, they will explode, draining the entirety of their Umbra Meter and forming an “umbral” cloud. The explosion will do extreme damage and leave behind a swarm of bats which will deal passive damage to any enemies inside of the cloud. The enemies’ vision will also get slightly distorted if they get hit by the explosion. The size of the black hole and explosion is based on how high the user’s Umbra Meter is.
F (50 Mastery)Umbrage: The user transforms into a swarm of bats for 10 seconds, giving the user the ability to fly at a medium pace. Flying close to enemies will project bats into them, causing damage. 


Fruit Icon
Price$2,800,000 or R2,400
PassiveElemental Reflex: The user is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, guns) from players without Aura and lower level Enemies.
Z (1 Mastery)Fried Dough:
The user’s arm turns into an averaged sized piece of reddish orange oval dough and then shoots the dough. If the dough hits the ground or is at its max range, it will explode (averaged sized piece of orange sphere), dealing AoE damage.
Awakened Z (1 Mastery)Missile Jab: The user’s arms turn into a chunk of dough. When released, the user fires a missile of dough, which causes an AoE explosion. Can be held for more AoE. It flings the user back slightly, depending on how long the user held it.
X (100 Mastery)Sticky Dough: The user creates a long lasso out of dough. If the lasso is launched at a nearby enemy, the target will get grabbed, lifted up and then slammed down. 
Awakened X (100 Mastery)Pastry River: While grounded summon a statue of dough that has a massive AOE dealing damage and stunning. While mid-air barrage the opponent with dough punches.
C (200 Mastery)Carved Dough: Turns the user into a donut, and when the [C] key is released, it turns the user’s hand into a fried dough-like club but black and spikey and slams the user down on the target.
Awakened C (200 Mastery)Piercing Clothesline: The user turns into a spiked donut, and if they collide with an enemy, the opponent will be stuck to the user’s spiked dough forearm and stunned. Then, the user swings their arm several times through the air before smashing it down into the ground from a very considerable height, crushing the opponent under their weight with enough force to create a large crater, causing debris to fly into the air, and dealing massive damage. 
V (300 Mastery)Restless Dough Barrage: The user makes rings around the target. The rings will have fists (without Aura colors) coming out and hitting targets if the targets are in the range of the attack. It hits the targets more if the [V] button is held longer.
Awakened V (300 Mastery)Dough Fist Fusillade: The user summons multiple donuts around their cursor, and has them pummel their opponent into the ground repeatedly for around 5 seconds. All of them punch directly in the cursor, similar to the Tap move. While the move begins, neither the user nor the enemy may move unless stopped by the user. This move cancels out if the user is damaged. This move is good for opening or closing combos.
F (50 Mastery)Roller Donut: The user turns into a donut and rolls at a decent pace. However, it can only travel for 30 seconds. It cannot roll above water, unlike its awakened version, however, with shark race, it can still be used for traveling in water.
Awakened F (50 Mastery)Scorching Donut: The user turns into a spiked donut that starts rolling at fast speeds. This move is great for traveling as it can move on water and lava, climb walls and damage anyone that it touches while moving (unlike its unawakened version), although this can be dodged by Instinct. Its duration is infinite. However, it costs 25 energy to activate & use. This skill can stun forever, as long as the user keeps hitting them (although the enemy can attack while they’re getting stunned).


Fruit Icon
Price$2,700,000 or R2,350
PassiveFury Meter: You fill this meter passively and by dealing damage and it needs to be full to transform with V.
T-Rex Form: While transformed gain a 33% defense buff, increase dash range, get a speed and jump boost, and enhanced moves.
Prey Mark: During transformation, the user’s attacks will apply a prey mark to the hit opponents, the farther they are from the user, the higher the tick damage. Drains a constant amount from Fury Meter.
Enhanced Attacks: Gain a special M1.
Z (1 Mastery)Tail Swipe: The player sweeps forward with the tail, creating a broad deep-green projectile that cuts through objects ahead as well as a pair of deep-green jaws that have a large, yet close-range, hitbox.
X (50 Mastery)Predatory Screech: The user pulls opponents from a frontal cone-shaped area towards them with the force of a raging wind, then roars and repels.
C (100 Mastery)Hunter’s Rage:
The user pounds forward, with a dark aura embracing them resembling a ferocious predator, before tearing apart opponents with razor-sharp claws.
V (300 Mastery)Reptilian Scales: The player roars skyward, transforming into a Tyrannosaurus Rex as meteorites fall in their vicinity, an orange atmosphere is created for the player (and those nearby), and the ground shakes.
F (200 Mastery)Gigantic Leap: The player leaps high into the air and, upon descending, smashes down onto the opponent.


Fruit Icon
Price$2,700,000 or R2,350
PassivePrehistoric Leap: While transformed you have boosted jumps and when you land you cause AOE damage.
Ancient Armor: While transformed you gain 50% damage reduction.
Enhanced Abilities: While transformed you gain enhanced moves.
Z (1 Mastery)Ancient Cutter:
The user gets engulfed by a dark mammoth with shining red eyes, and stomps on the ground, sending large red strikes at exceedingly high distance forward.
X (50 Mastery)True Prehistoric Punt:
The user is engulfed by a dark mammoth, then bolts to the aimed area. Upon hitting a target, the mammoth springs its head up, jabbing the target and sending them up.
C (100 Mastery)Colossal Crusher: The user dashes forward akin to the X move enshrouded in a dark mammoth aura, but upon striking a target, they are forcefully banged down.
V (300 Mastery)Transformation: Transform into a mammoth or back to a human with a roar.
F (200 Mastery)Stampede: The user pounces up into the air, and falls down causing a massive crater. This move can be charged.


Fruit Icon
Price$2,500,000 or R2,300
Z (1 Mastery)Gravity Push: The user generates a powerful gravitational force in front of them, which forcefully propels enemies backward and causes the ground to shift. Notably, if the player aims slightly downward toward the ground, it can trip the enemies being pushed, resulting in them being propelled even further over a considerable distance.
X (100 Mastery)Gravity Obeisance: The user creates an expanding crater beneath themselves, causing gravity to exert force on any enemies trapped within dealing continual damage.
C (200 Mastery)Meteor Pitch: The user shoots a purple beam into the sky, summoning a singular meteor to descend upon the location of the user’s cursor.
V (300 Mastery)Meteors Rain: The player shoots a purple beam upwards, and calls down a barrage of seven meteors, dealing damage to anyone that they hit. The meteors can be controlled by moving the mouse shortly after the skill has been pressed.
F (50 Mastery)Boulder Flight:
The player summons a rideable boulder that mimics the material beneath them and allows them to fly in their desired direction. This ability can only be initiated when the user is on the ground. Disappears if hit. The boulder ridden on this move copies the ground texture.

All Legendary Blox Fruits


Fruit Icon
Price$2,400,000 or R2,250
PassiveElemental Reflex: The user is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, guns) from players without Aura and lower level Non-Boss NPCs without Aura.
Z (1 Mastery)Snowflake Shuriken: The user throws snow shurikens that explode on impact, or when they have reached their maximum distance, causing damage to enemies in mid-air or on the ground. When the move is tapped, 2 shurikens will be launched. If the move is held for longer, then 6 shurikens will be released.
X (90 Mastery)White Out: The user creates a medium-sized snow tornado, carrying and pushing enemies before launching them up into the air. This tornado spins around for a few seconds and stuns any enemies caught in it, even if it is Instinct-tricked.
C (160 Mastery)Howling Wind: The user creates a large and powerful whirlwind with their hand, stunning and damaging enemies while slightly sending them up. The position of the tornado can be controlled with the cursor.
V (250 Mastery)Blizzard Domain:
The user charges and sucks in nearby enemies before summoning a massive snow dome, similar to Control’s Area, causing high damage to enemies within its boundaries. This move will last for 7 seconds. This move is very similar to Trident’s [X] skill.
F (40 Mastery)Tornado Flight:
The user rides on a snow tornado that damages and slightly stuns while pushing enemies away. This move can be sustained infinitely.


Fruit Icon
Price$2,300,000 or R2,200
Z (1 Mastery)Heavy Pain: The user launches a high-speed, long range paw-shaped projectile which deals good damage and applies a paw mark on the target, which is only cosmetic. This move may hit multiple targets as the paw travels through players.
X (100 Mastery)Pain Barrage: The user launches a barrage of high-speed and long range paw-shaped projectiles which deal damage individually; landing all the projectiles will result in great damage. This move also applies a paw mark on the target, which is only cosmetic. This move may hit multiple targets as the paw travels through players.
C (200 Mastery)Pain Nuke:
The user shoots a small, high-speed, and long range paw-shaped projectile that terminates in a massive paw-shaped explosion, dealing high damage while flinging targets into the air.
V (300 Mastery)Torture: The user shoots a large and long-range red pulsating paw that, upon contact, distorts and turns the enemy’s screen red in addition to dealing tick damage over time, while breaking Instinct in the process.
F (50 Mastery)Self Repel:
The user launches themselves at the mouse cursor, covering a great distance in the process. Compared to other travel abilities such as Dark’s Ghastly Step and Rumble’s Electric Flash, this move travels the furthest.


Fruit Icon
Price$2,100,000 or R2,100
PassiveElemental Reflex: The wielder is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, and guns) unless they are imbued with Aura or, in the case of an NPC, they are higher level.
Z (1 Mastery)Rumble Dragon: The user unleashes a ferocious lightning dragon that beelines towards the cursor before exploding upon impact. If the ability does not hit anything within a certain range, it will detonate on its own.
Awakened ZLightning Beast: The user creates a beast crafted from lightning, which explodes upon impact, makes an explosion that damages and deals great knockback. The attack also has auto-aim to a slight degree, meaning it is notably easier to land than the Rumble Dragon attack.
X (90 Mastery)Sky Thunder: The player summons massive lightning bolts that rain down upon their enemies, causing significant damage and temporarily stunning those who are hit. The first attack is always the attack with the highest damage. The lightning strikes are randomized, making each unique.
Awakened XThunderstorm:
The user summons a colossal thundercloud, commanding lightning bolts to strike down within a wide radius, dealing massive damage and stunning those who are hit. The attack can be aimed and has a faster casting time than the Sky Thunder ability. It should be noted that the initial lightning bolt strike will inflict greater damage than subsequent strikes.
C (160 Mastery)Sky Beam: The user creates a large beam of lightning from the sky which upon hitting an NPC/player, does a lot of damage and stuns. The attack also levitates its targets significantly which creates a wide opportunity for the player who summoned it to use another move or combo while stunned.
Awakened CSky Judgement:
With a faster activation time, but shorter duration, the user summons a massive lingering thunderbolt that strikes the ground, inflicting swift damage and paralyzing any enemy caught in its wake. The attack leaves a distinct blue, scorched crater on the ground for a few seconds.
V (250 Mastery)Thunder Bomb: The user creates a large ball of lightning from the sky which upon hitting an NPC/player, does a lot of damage and stuns. The attack also levitates its targets significantly which creates a wide opportunity for the player who summoned it to use another move or combo while stunned.
Awakened VThunderball Destruction: The user gathers thunderclouds to form a massive blue-black spherical bomb constructed entirely of lightning. Upon launch, the bomb gradually expands, inflicting constant damage and stunning any enemy caught within its gigantic hitbox before finally dissipating, the ground/area of impact is pushed aside into a circle. This move has among one of the largest hitboxes in the game. Similar to Flame’s [V] move (awakened) but almost three times as large.
F (30 Mastery)Lightning Dash:
The user becomes lightning and moves toward the cursor at lightspeed. This has an incredibly short cooldown because the user cannot fly with it. The user has a blue aura around their body for a few milliseconds before disappearing.
Awakened FElectric Flash: The user instantly dashes to the direction of their choice almost as if they are teleporting. While the ability had a negligible cooldown prior to its upgrade, it now requires charges to use. The user has three charges, with all charges replenishing every 12 seconds. Additionally, the dash attack has a small hitbox that inflicts minimal damage and a slight stun effect. The charge count is displayed on a GUI at the top of the screen.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,900,000 or R2,000
PassiveTap: Your M1 send you flying forward with a 4 second cooldown.
Z (1 Mastery)Portal Dash: The user dashes forward, in a manner closer to a teleport than a dash. If it hits an enemy, it sends them through multiple portals throwing them around, and finally smashing them to the ground.
X (50 Mastery)Parallel Escape: The user enters a separate dimension that lasts for a few seconds. During this state, the user becomes invisible and invincible and is able to move around freely, and it also makes the user immune to water, but not lava. However, if the user uses any skill or M1, it exits them out of the dimension immediately. If the user uses this move next to an enemy, it damages them and stuns them for a little bit. This move can break Instinct.
C (200 Mastery)World Warp: The user creates a portal that teleports them to a place of their choice. Other players can go through the same portal unless it’s a safe zone or the Portal user’s PvP is off, and neither the user nor other players can go back through. Players allied with the user can be teleported, regardless of whether they are in a safe zone.
V (300 Mastery)Dimensional Rift: The user creates a rift to a separate dimension that attracts and pulls in the user along with other enemies, only if they are within proximity. Everyone who is absorbed into it will be put into a flat dimension, while the only escape is by entering through the portal above. While in the dimension, the user’s energy slowly drains. The rift lasts until the user’s energy is fully drained, or until the user has left/closed the rift by reusing the ability, or died.
F (100 Mastery)Quantum Leap:
The user makes a portal at their cursor and another where they stand. This is a short-range teleport move. If it is opened on an enemy, it will deal some damage (also deals damage if the user is right next to them when using the skill). If the enemy walks towards any of the two portals, they will be teleported to the location of the other portal and it will deal damage every time the enemy walks into any of the two portals.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,800,000 or R2,000
PassiveFeathers’ Immortality: While transformed into the Phoenix form, gain a 15% damage reduction from all attacks and the ability to fly.
Phoenix Flames: While using the Awakened F, gain an AOE burn aura.
Enhanced Abilities: While in Phoenix forms you have enhanced moves.
Phoenix Attack: When Awakened your M1 dashes you in the direction of your cursor dealing AOE damage where you land and stunning enemies.
Z (1 Mastery)Cannon: The user charges up a flaming blow and releases them forward to make a powerful mid-range attack with high knockback.
Awakened ZCremation Cannon: The user dashes forward in the direction of the cursor, slightly stunning enemies and creating an explosion after the dash.
X (90 Mastery)Regeneration Flames:
The user evokes blue and yellow flames around themselves to regain health in a certain radius (can also heal any player, ally or not, within the radius including Marines), whilst rapidly consuming energy.
Awakened XBlue Flames: Surround yourself in a bubble of blue flames healing yourself and allies, dealing damage and knocking back to enemies, and blocking attacks.
C (160 Mastery)Fast Kick:
The user pulls back their leg and dashes forward, releasing a quick kick in the direction the user is facing. 
Awakened CFlame Exodus: The user dashes forward in a rift of flames. If the user comes into contact with an enemy, they will bring them up into the air using a tornado-like attack made out of phoenix flames, then crash back onto the enemy, slamming them to the ground, dealing AoE explosion damage with a large hitbox.
V (250 Mastery)Full Transformation: The user fully transforms into a blue and yellow Phoenix. This transformation takes around 10 energy every 1.5 seconds. The only moves that take away energy in this transformation are Transformation and Regeneration Flames.
Awakened VBlazing Plumage: Transform gaining even more powerful Awakened abilities.
F (30 Mastery)Allows the user to fly in hybrid form. Does not drain any energy, but the player must hold the [F] key.
Awakened FSwift Flight: Same as the regular version but stops energy regeneration while active and
if you stop mid-air, blue and yellow flames will rain down from their wings, doing small tick damage.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,700,000 or R1,900
PassiveTempo Meter: Hit enemies with moves from this fruit or hold F to fill the Tempo Meter. The meter decreases if you’re not dealing damage. When filled you and your allies gain a shield that reduces incoming damage by 25% as well as a 50% increase to speed and a 10% damage increase.
Z (1 Mastery)Rhapsody Notes:
The user shoots out three projectile notes on the first use horizontally, five on the second use horizontally, and five on the third use vertically at where the cursor aims at. Projectiles explode and deal damage to enemies on impact.
X (50 Mastery)Fortissimo: The user generates a large cone of music notes, dealing AoE damage and knocking back enemies.
C (100 Mastery)Symphonic Radiance: The user generates a disco ball that fires beams which auto aim at all nearby enemies in a large range. After that, the disco ball fires itself to where the cursor is aiming at and explodes on impact. Damage dealt to an enemy is multiplied by x0.85 each time the move hits them.
V (250 Mastery)Glorious Harmony: The user releases five small projectiles, and then a large one, which explodes on impact. The larger projectile will summon a black hole attracting nearby enemies and dealing damage for a short time after exploding.
F (175 Mastery)Tempo: Prestissimo: The user flies using a music staff, which regenerates Tempo Meter. Health and energy generation is disabled while the move is activated, like almost all mobility moves.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,500,000 or R1,800
PassiveFrost Walker: When transformed summon ice platforms to walk on the sea.
Frozen Fur: While transformed gain 35% damage reduction.
Frozen Afterimage: After using Flash Step while transformed, leave an icy clone behind that explodes.
Yeti Moves: Gain enhanced moves when transformed.
Z (1 Mastery)Spider Wraith: The player swipes at the opponent and summons a claw to knock back the player. Its hitbox and range is very small.
Awakened ZThermal Laceration: The user slashes forth up to four fiery blades of hot strings that deal good damage (the number of strings and their damage varies depending on how long the user holds the move), with the fourth one resembling the shape of the letter ‘X’.
X (50 Mastery)Multi-string Attack: The player impales their target from above with five strings, dealing medium AoE damage, and also briefly stuns anyone hit by it.
Awakened XSilk Prison: The user shoots out strings upwards from their hand and creates a large circular cage that when held, traps targets inside. Then, the cage quickly shrinks and slashes whoever is inside of it, dealing instant damage. If held, the size of the cage increases by a fair amount, although it doesn’t affect the damage.
C (100 Mastery)Over-heated Sniper:
The user shoots a thick rope made of condensed strings from their palm which deals great damage. The damage for this move depends on how far they are from their opponent(s). The further away the user is from their opponent(s), the higher the damage they will receive. This move has the second best range in the game, leaving a short invisible tripwire effect, which will deal damage when stepped on and breaks Instinct no matter what.
Awakened CEternal White:
The user summons large, white spears of strings that leave the ground and hit wherever the cursor is located. If the cursor is close enough, the move will auto-target nearby enemies. Damage gets smaller over time and most of the damage is dealt during the early stage of the move (a string will do less damage than the string that came before it).
V (225 Mastery)Ultimate Thread: The player creates multiple strings weaved together (covered in Aura) and sends them at enemies in a piercing formation. Deals damage in a sharp cone-shaped hitbox and stuns targets.
Awakened VHeavenly Punishment: The user shoots out hundreds of dark red and maroon strings rapidly, in a more cylindrical hitbox. This move has a small start-up time, however, it stuns while dealing massive damage to anyone it hits.
F (15 Mastery)Spider Path: The player summons a ton of threads under their body and levitates. This move’s mobility is decent.
Awakened FSpider Highway: The user shoots out a string and swings to where the user is faced. Speed scales with user’s health. Holding this move can allow the user to swing slightly farther, although not very noticeable.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,300,000 or R1,700
PassiveLovestruck: Each attack (Z, C move) on an enemy makes the enemy “fall in love” with the user, temporarily decreasing their damage against the user. This decreases the damage dealt by roughly 30%. At the same time, it fills the enemy’s screen with pink hearts, and highly distorts the enemy’s screen.
Z (1 Mastery)Heart Shot:
The user shoots an arrow shaped like a heart towards the cursor, which explodes upon contact, or when the max range is reached.
X (50 Mastery)Cupid Zone: The user shoots an arching arrow of perfume into the air aimed towards the cursor. When the maximum range is reached, the arrow explodes into a cloud of perfume with a shining heart on top dealing tick damage.
C (150 Mastery)Irresistible Attraction: Create an AOE circle blast that pulls all enemies inside and deal heavy damage.
V (200 Mastery)Besto Friendo: The user shoots a heart-shaped arrow, which explodes into a large heart explosion. The explosion creates a “Friend”, a friendly NPC wielding the Canvander, they can jump, dash, attack, and swim. The damage dealt by this NPC scales off the user’s level.
F (100 Mastery)Flamingo Ride: The user creates a flying flamingo to ride on, allowing them to fly in all directions freely. All of the fruit’s moves can be used without freezing up while riding on the flamingo, but not other weapons’ moves.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,200,000 or R1,650
PassiveDivine Aura: While transformed with Z, you gain 40%(V1)/55%(V2) damage reduction against all attacks, your reach with melee and sword is extended by x5(V1)/x8(V2).
Seismic Jump (V2): If you press Space while transformed you will create a damage AOE shockwave that breaks instinct. Your jumps will also be boosted.
Z (1 Mastery)Transform: Turn into a giant golden Buddha. You first have to activate this to use other Buddha moves.
Awakened ZShift: An enhanced transformation (see Passive) that also deals AOE damage around you and increases your size so that you can walk on water.
X (1 Mastery)Impact: The user charges a shining ball of light, then touches the ground with their palm, creating a large explosion that blows nearby enemies away.
Awakened XHeavenly Impact: The user slams the ground with their fist and an explosion occurs as light erupts from the place hit. This move breaks Instinct.
C (100 Mastery)Buddha Leap:
The user leaps into the air, landing where the cursor is pointed. This creates a shock wave that damages on impact. 
Awakened CLight of Annihilation: The player gathers energy, then explodes with a big explosion, shooting a light beam out of their mouth, dealing damage. This move breaks Instinct.
V (200 Mastery)Buddha Explosion: The user charges itself for 0.5 seconds inside its body, then lets out a large explosion around it, dealing heavy damage to all enemies nearby and launching them away.
Awakened VTwilight of the Gods: The player quickly rises up and then continuously fires beams of light that explode on impact finishing with a column of light surrounding the user (the light column deals damage). This move breaks Instinct. The enemy is completely stunned during the attack and the final light column stuns for 3-4 seconds. The user is unable to move around during the duration of this move.
Awakened F (0 Mastery)Retribution Dash: The player dashes forward, creating a trail of golden light behind. If they touch an enemy when dashing, they will hold the enemy up and then slam them into the ground. The player cannot take damage during the animation of the attack.


Fruit Icon
Price$1,000,000 or R1,500
Z (1 Mastery)Quake Punch: The player charges an energy ball and cracks the air, dealing great damage. This move also shakes the enemy’s screen and has a high knockback. However, the hitbox is relatively small and has a small startup, making it harder to land on players.
Awakened ZFatal Demolisher: The player pulls their opponent towards them, dealing very low damage at first, and then launches the target away from them dealing high damage to the target. 
X (50 Mastery)Quake Wave:
The player charges an energy ball on their hand and launches a huge quake sphere towards the target that does a large amount of damage. The move shakes the opponent’s screen in the process. The sphere is slow-moving and pushes away enemies slightly.
Awakened XAir Crusher: The player charges an energy ball and then launches a large spherical orb of energy at the target, dealing medium-high damage and shaking the opponent’s screen.
C (100 Mastery)Quake Erupt: The player holds two quake spheres on their hands and smashes the ground doing great damage in an area.
Awakened CSpatial Shockwave: The user grasps two balls of energy in their hands. After 1.75 seconds, the user creates a large shockwave around themselves which deals heavy damage and high knockback. This move causes intense shaking to anyone within the move’s hitbox.
V (150Mastery)Dual Tsunami: The player cracks the air. If the player is close to an enemy in the air, they will drag them down. After a while two tsunamis from both sides will come, dealing very high damage to the target.
Awakened VSeaquake: The user smashes the ground, stunning the opponent(s) and dealing damage while also bringing forth four slightly bigger tsunamis, each coming from every direction (causes stuns and shaking). If this move is used in the air, the user will come down onto the ground at a high speed and then smash the ground. If the user isn’t able to touch the ground (e.g. if they’re above the sea), the tsunamis and ground smash won’t show, thus making the move useless.

All Rare Blox Fruits


Fruit Icon
Price$960,000 or R1,300
PassiveElemental Reflex: The wielder is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, and guns) unless they are imbued with Aura or, in the case of an NPCs, they are a higher level.
Lava Immunity: The user is immune to the Lava puddles found on the Hot and Cold and Magma Village islands, as well as in Flame and Magma raids.
Scorching Puddles: Almost all of Magma’s moves leave pools/puddles of lava, these can be bigger or smaller each use. And they can deal tick damage over time.
Magmatic Feet: When you Awaken at least one Magma skill, you gain the ability to walk on water.
Z (1 Mastery)Magma Clap:
The player will create 2 hands, and after a very short delay will clap into each other dealing damage to any enemy within the vicinity.
Awakened ZMagma Shower: The user unleashes a massive amount of melting hot magma rocks dealing heavy damage when everything hits and leaving behind multiple magma puddles. This move can be shot to the sky, and the projectiles will fall to the ground afterward.
X (45 Mastery)Magma Eruption: The user will create an eruption below them. If an enemy is standing right on top of it, they will be launched into the air dealing damage. A lava pool will also stay for a few seconds and deal damage over time to enemies standing on it. There can be 1-3 lava pools that can spawn at a time.
Awakened XVolcanic Assault: The user dashes, leaking magma onto the ground and if they hit an opponent, they will fire multiple continuous blasts of searing hot magma from their palm, and then finish it off with a stronger blast that deals knockback and great damage.
C (95 Mastery)Magma Fist: The user will create a large ball of magma that will launch to where their cursor is pointing at. If it hits the ground, it will explode and will also leave a bigger lava pool that will stay for a few seconds.
Awakened CGreat Magma Hound:
The user launches a large hound-like magma projectile that deals large damage and leaves magma puddles under it. This move can drag enemies or NPCs for a certain distance and stuns for a brief amount of time if directly cast on an enemy.
V (140 Mastery)Magma Meteors: The user creates 4-5 “meteors” that will launch in the direction of their cursor. Hitting the ground will cause these projectiles to explode into smaller pieces that look like lava pools but don’t do damage.
Awakened VVolcanic Storm: The user amasses a great amount of scorching-hot magma on their right hand, before throwing it all out towards the cursor as all of the magma hits a surface and causes a great explosion of magma puddles while dealing extreme damage to anyone they hit. Anyone near the explosion will have their screen’s color change to a shade of dark orange.
F (10 Mastery)Magma Floor: If used, the player will go into the ground and create lava pools that last for about 1 second. Spinning around can deal a lot of damage to the enemy because the lava pools stack on each other. If the F key is released, the player will jump out of the floor, dealing damage and knocking enemies high up if they are above them.
Awakened FBeast Ride: The user creates a beast crafted from magma below then sits on top of it and takes off flying leaving trails of burning hot magma behind. If released, the beast turns into puddles of lava that deal good damage on contact.


Fruit Icon
Price$940,000 or R1,275
PassiveResurrection: Once the user dies, they will resurrect with 50% HP one time. 
Z (1 Mastery)Shivering Possession: The user dashes forward, leaving a turquoise trail behind them. Any enemies hit with this move are covered in ectoplasm and frozen, causing the enemy to get stunned for 1.3 seconds before exploding.
X (50 Mastery)Spectral Release:
The user shrieks, creating a whirlwind of ghosts which revolve around them, trapping the enemy and pushing them back slightly.
C (100 Mastery)Cries of the Underworld: The user starts screaming, spitting ghosts that push the enemy back, this can also be held. The first hit deals the most damage, and damage declines over time. Also, the enemy’s screen will become greenish At the same time, numerous ghosts and a green skull will appear in the middle of the screen if continuously damaged.
V (150 Mastery)Ghost Busters: The user creates 2 ghosts (also called a clone) versions of themselves who imitate their attacks, including front dash, jumping. The ghost uses their fighting style, and sword if held out. These ghosts also can use the Z, X, C, and F moves of this Fruit. They aim where you aim.
F (75 Mastery)Wandering Soul: The user turns into a ghost, similar to the V move, and flies, leaving a blue trail surrounded by ghosts.


Fruit Icon
Price$800,000 or R1,250
Z (1 Mastery)Barrier Wall:
The player fires a medium-sized rectangular barrier that damages opponents and block certain incoming attacks.
X (45 Mastery)Surprise Attack: The player teleports to their cursor and slams down on the ground, dealing high AoE damage. Very glitchy if used in a building, since the player teleports out of it.
C (90 Mastery)Barrier Prison: The player fires a sphere that can be controlled with their mouse, which traps opponents while damaging them. The player is uninterruptible and invincible while using this move. If the player “throws” the opponent (by aiming the cursor at a wall) it has a chance to slam into the wall and do extra AoE (Area of Effect) damage, not guaranteed.
V (130 Mastery)Barrier Towers: The player summons 5 large barrier towers in front of them that slams into the ground that deal high damage. Also buries opponents, and can trap them into the ground.
F (10 Mastery)Stairs:
The player summons a constantly growing staircase in the direction their character is facing that will continue to go up until the player runs out of stamina or releases the key. Takes around 1 energy per step created. It is decent in aerial mobility since it allows the player to reset Air Jump without touching the ground, helping the player reach higher heights.


Fruit Icon
Price$750,000 or R1,200
PassiveRubber Body: Similarly to Elemental Reflex, Rubber users will have complete immunity to all guns, Rumble and Electric fighting style, even those with Aura. However, it does not grant immunity to Electric Claw, Pole (1st Form) and Pole (2nd Form).
Enhanced Attacks: You get special M1 attacks.
Enhanced Moves: Your moves are enhanced when you transform.
Z (25 Mastery)Cannon:
The user pulls their arms backward, stretching them as they do so. Upon releasing the respective button, the user springs their arms forward, dealing knockback as well as damage.
X (50 Mastery)Smash: The user stretches their right leg upwards, and upon releasing the respective button they launch their leg down, dealing damage as well as a small amount of knockback.
C (125 Mastery)Rush: The user does a barrage of punches towards the direction they are facing, dealing continuous damage. Holding down the respective button for this move causes it to last longer.
V (225 Mastery)Transformation: Upon activation, the user gains a pink-like texture on their skin and begins to emit steam. While having this move active, all animations change to be faster and all moves gain a damage increase, but the user’s energy regeneration is reduced by 25%. This ability will last as long as the user does not die or run out of energy.
F (80 Mastery)Slingshot: The user stretches both their arms in the direction of the cursor. If they hit an object, the user will be launched at a fast speed towards the object. If you hit an enemy you deal damage and knock them back. This move is chargable.


Fruit Icon
Price$650,000 or R1,100
PassiveElemental Reflex: The user is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, and guns) unless they are imbued with Aura or, in the case of an NPC, they are a higher level.
Light Spear: The user gains a spear made of light to use as their M1 attack similar to the Ice Trident. However, this can hit Blade users as it is a fruit attack. Note that the user does not need to put stats in sword to make the spear more powerful because increasing the fruit stat alone makes the fruit do more damage, including the M1 light spear.
Z (1 Mastery)Light Ray:
The user shoots a high-speed beam of light from their leg in the direction of the cursor, knocking back enemies.
Awakened ZDivine Arrow: The user summons a bow and an arrow made out of high-pressure light. Good stun (only on precise hit, not AoE), and an actual hitbox. Can be held for 3 arrows doing AoE damage. The longer it’s held, the more damage it does. If held to the max, it will do 100% damage.
X (40 Mastery)Barrage of Light:
The user teleports upwards, and then shoots about 15 small light beams that explode upon impact in an area around the user’s cursor. Holding the aforementioned hotkey will send more projectiles.
Awakened XHand of the Emperor: The user shoots a flashing light on their right hand which they can move around. If aimed correctly, it stuns the target as long as the skill lasts and does high damage.
C (80 Mastery)Irresistible Attraction: The user creates a series of mirrors with beams of light between them which teleport the user to a point above where their cursor was, after which the user shoots a beam of light downwards, creating a large explosion beneath them (AoE).
Awakened CLightspeed Destroyer:
The user turns into light and dashes forward. If they touch an enemy while dashing, the player consecutively kicks them around, then smashes them back onto the ground, similar to Electric Claw’s [C] move.
V (110 Mastery)Sky Beam Barrage: The user kneels and sends a large amount of light from their palm, which then causes multiple beams to be summoned from the sky in a radius shown by a circle that appears upon activating the move. These rays explode and stun enemies upon impact.
Awakened VWrath of God: The user summons a huge barrage of light beams falling from the air that create explosions upon impact, in a radius shown by a circle that appears upon activating the move. This move can be Instinct tricked, but the move will drain their Instinct dodges in less than 2-3 seconds. Also, this move stuns (only soft stun) while draining Instinct, so the user can line up another move, for example, the C move, then follow it up with the X move.
F (10 Mastery)Light Flight: The user turns into light and flies fast. The user cannot change the direction of the flight manually, but they can still change direction if they hit anything. Wall, ground, enemy, etc. Its speed is dependent on the player’s remaining health (70% health left = 70% speed).
Awakened FShining Flight: The user turns into light and flies extremely fast, slightly faster than its unawakened counterpart. Unlike V1, this move can change direction mid-flight, but the maneuverability is poor due to its snappy nature. Hold [F] to fly and move the camera or cursor to change the direction.

All Uncommon Blox Fruits


Fruit Icon
Price$600,000 or R1,000
PassiveEncrustation: While Encrusted, the user gains a 25% defense buff that stacks with Aura. Diamond’s moves cannot be used without the user being Encrusted.
M1Radiant Lunge: The user uses diamonds to lunge themselves in the direction of their cursor, damaging any enemies caught in their way. Upon contact with a surface, the tackle creates a crater that explodes with diamonds.
Z (1 Mastery)Encrust: The user’s skin transforms into solid diamond while growing out two diamond spikes on their back, giving a 25% defense boost which stacks with Aura. Upon transformation, the user releases a large AoE blast of light.
X (1 Mastery)Shard Storm: The user fires a storm of diamond shards from their hands, with the amount of shards fired depending on how long the move is held down for.
C (80 Mastery)Shimmering Disruption: The user uses their body to reflect concentrated light, releasing a large AoE blast of light and dealing medium damage whilst simultaneously blinding hit enemies for 3 seconds. Can be held to increase size and damage slightly.
V (110 Mastery)Prismatic Reflection: The user creates a barrage of floating diamond mirrors in the air surrounding themselves and uses them to reflect a large, blue beam of concentrated light, dealing continuous medium damage to enemies caught in its radius. Note that each diamond has their own radius so if the enemy is on the edge of the diamond circle the damage will be reduced by a lot.


Fruit Icon
Price$500,000 or R950
PassiveElemental Reflex: The user is immune to all physical attacks (Fighting Styles, Swords, and Guns) unless they are imbued with Aura or, in the case of an enemy, they are a higher level than the user.
Z (1 Mastery)Dark Rocks:
The user pushes their hand forward, grabbing rocks from the ground and leaving a crater, as the rocks with a black aura are fired towards the direction they aimed at.
Awakened ZDimensional Slash: The user summons a dark sword, and launches a small vertical slash toward their cursor that applies a small blinding effect, teleporting the user near the target, and dealing damage.
X (40 Mastery)Black Spiral: The user creates a black hole on their cursor and in the user’s hand, trapping anyone caught in it and dealing damage to them before they are launched away. Does more damage and causes longer stuns the longer it is held.
Awakened XAbyssal Darkness:
The user creates a black hole that lashes out dark tentacles in front of them, stunning and pulling in targets when holding the move, dealing damage.
C (80 Mastery)Black Hole: The user opens up a large black hole around them, causing damage to anyone who gets trapped in it. This move also levitates its target.
Awakened CEndless Hole: The user creates a large black hole that stuns targets, dealing rapid damage while getting bigger the longer it is held.
V (110 Mastery)Dark Bomb: The user manifests a large orb of darkness, launching it towards their cursor, dragging targets inside of it, and dealing damage.
Awakened VWorld of Darkness: The user manifests a ravenous, dark sphere and launches it at their cursor. Afterwards, the sphere drags targets towards it before launching them away, dealing damage.
Awakened FGhastly Step: The user teleports, leaving behind a purple afterimage of the user, allowing them to avoid incoming attacks.


Fruit Icon
Price$420,000 or R850
Awakeningf 14,500
PassiveElemental Reflex: The user is immune to all physical attacks (fighting style, sword, gun) from players without Aura and lower level NPCs.
Sand Dissolve: Sand users will take twice as much damage in Water.
Z (1 Mastery)Desert Sword:
The player creates a burst of sand in front of themselves, launching anyone hit by it up in the air and dealing a decent amount of damage.
Awakened ZDesert Blade: The player creates a long-range high-speed burst of sand in a straight line in front of themselves, launching anyone hit by it up in the air and dealing good damage, while slightly stunning them in the process. This move can be used in the air, but will form on the ground.
X (40 Mastery)Desert Funeral: The player conjures a circle of quicksand that pulls a target once stepped on, pulling them into the air and crushing them, dealing a decent amount of damage.
Awakened XSand Coffin: The player throws two piles of sand that can be aimed in the air. If it hits an opponent, it will levitate the enemy higher and higher into the air while trapping them inside a sphere of dust. Then the sand will finally explode and deal good damage to the opponent. This move is good for combos.
C (80 Mastery)Sand Tornado: The player creates a small sand tornado in front of them that sucks up players in its radius while stunning them and carrying them upwards in the air and then back down, while dealing decent damage.
Awakened CSandstorm:
The player creates a large cone-shaped tornado made of sand that slowly moves forward. Anyone caught within its radius will get stunned and pushed higher into the air while receiving continuous damage. This move can be used midair.
V (120 Mastery)Heavy Sand: The player gathers a ball of sand in their hand and shoots it at an opponent. This attack has high knockback and inflicts a good amount of damage.
Awakened VDeep Sand: The player creates a lightning-infused vortex-like ball of sand from their hands, and throws it towards an opponent. This orb explodes upon contact, causing a large AoE shockwave of sand and purple electricity within a large radius and dealing heavy damage to anyone within its hitbox.
F (15 Mastery)Sand Flight: The player turns their legs into sand, allowing them to fly at a slow pace.
Awakened FTornado Flight: The player?s legs turn into a little tornado, allowing them to fly at a pace faster than Sand Flight.


Fruit Icon
Price$350,000 or R750
PassiveElemental Reflex: The wielder is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, and guns) unless they are imbued with Aura or, in the case of an NPC, they are higher level.
Ice Trident: Whenever Ice is selected, the user can slash with an icy trident by clicking the left mouse button or tapping on mobile. This can hit Blade users as it is part of the fruit.
Frost Walker: The user will create ice platforms that they can walk on each time they touch the sea. Every ice platform the user creates takes up four energy. Unlike Magma, the user does not need to have to awaken the fruit to use this ability. It will only take energy if you walk or dash on water.
Enhance Attacks: You have a special M1.
Z (1 Mastery)Ice Spears:
The user fires a barrage of ice shards that rapidly travels to the enemy. (Does not break Instinct if the projectiles don’t touch the ground) This move is very similar to Diamond’s X move.
Awakened ZCold Storm: The user fires multiple glacial hurricanes, which travel at slow speed towards the cursor. Upon contact with the enemy, it will slowly deal decent damage, the enemy will be stunned for the duration of the move (a few seconds). This move breaks Instinct sometimes, but it can be easily prevented by Instinct-Tricking.
X (25 Mastery)Ice Surge: The user stomps and releases a medium-sized surge of ice from the floor below, which deals damage and knocks back anyone it hits. (Breaks Instinct). The ice rapidly falls and vanishes within 2 to 3 seconds. The ice surge covers a distance of about 5 to 6 seconds of walking from its starting point to where it ends.
Awakened XGlacial Surge: The user unleashes a huge surge of ice, which launches enemies away and deals good damage. (Breaks Instinct).
C (50Mastery)Ice Bird: The user creates a bird made of ice and launches it at where they are aiming, freezing whoever is hit. Explodes on contact and stuns enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Awakened CFrozen Dragon: The user launches a large, high-speed ice dragon into the air, which then crashes down at the aimed area, causing a huge AOE cold explosion and freezing enemies.
V (100 Mastery)Glacial Epoch: The user casts the ground into ice, creating a huge AOE area that freezes and damages enemies. Often used by sword and gun users as their primary combo-starter. This move disables all attacks, dashes, and jumps from both enemies and the user for 2 seconds.
Awakened VAbsolute Zero:
The user unleashes a gigantic wave of piercing ice around them, freezing everyone in its radius and causing damage. This move disables all attacks, dash, jump from enemies and the user for 2 seconds.
Awakened F (0 Mastery)Ice Skating: Along with the ability to passively walk on Water, the user gains the ability to skate at high speeds. When the player unlocks this ability, the ice patterns under their feet when they walk on water will change into a brighter blue color.


Fruit Icon
Price$300,000 or R650
PassiveJump Boost: While transformed, the user gains a jump boost, making them jump slightly higher.
Z (1 Mastery)Plumage:
The user grows a pair of wings from their back. This move must be active to use other moves.
X (1 Mastery)Wind Burst: The user launches a blast of wind by flapping their wings. This attack goes in the direction of the cursor.
C (80 Mastery)Bone Crusher: The user charges at the enemy. If the attack lands, the user will grip the opponent with their feet and smash them into the ground, causing bits of debris to come out of the ground, along with some cracks appearing on it. This move is single target and stuns the target a bit after crashing on the ground.
V (120 Mastery)Soaring Talon:
The user dashes through the enemy, slashing them several times and dealing damage. Momentarily stuns the target(s).
F (20 Mastery)Flight: The user can fly around while holding F. The speed is decent, this move can only be done if Plumage has been activated. This gives players an advantage to stay in the air and attack.


Fruit Icon
Price$250,000 or R550
PassiveElemental Reflex: The user is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, and guns) unless they are imbued with Aura, the enemy is a boss or, in the case of an NPC, they are higher level.
Z (1 Mastery)Fire Bullets: The user shoots several flaming bullets that can hit multiple targets in the direction of the user?s cursor.
Awakened ZBlue Fire Bullets: The user shoots forward 7 explosive blue sparks of heat, which spread out and will navigate its way to the cursor. Upon hitting an enemy, the enemy will get stunned for a few moments. Deals good damage if every bullet hits the target.
X (25 Mastery)Burning Blast:
The user fires a fist-shaped flaming projectile from their hand in the direction of the cursor.
Awakened XProminence Burst: The user fires an extremely fast beam of fire from their hands in the direction of their cursor which explodes on contact with a surface, dealing damage and knocking back nearby enemies. It also leaves behind a fire effect that tick-damages enemies who enter its area, lasting for 5 seconds.
C (50 Mastery)Fire Column: The user slams the ground, releasing a surge of fire around the user, pushing anyone caught in the pillar upward, and dealing damage in an AoE fire column.
Awakened CFlaming Vortex: The user launches themselves and nearby enemies into the air using a blast of flames, dealing damage and leaving behind a fire effect that tick-damages enemies who enter its area (if the move was done on the ground), lasting for 5 seconds.
V (100 Mastery)Flame Destroyer: The user creates a large orb of fire and throws it, which explodes when it hits a surface or reaches its maximum range, dealing a high amount of damage to anyone within its radius. This can be charged to deal slightly more damage.
Awakened VHell’s Core: The player creates a massive orb of fire and throws it, which explodes when it hits a surface or reaches its maximum range, dealing a huge amount of damage to anyone in its radius, and leaves behind a fire effect that tick-damages enemies who enter its area, lasting for 5 seconds. Can be held to deal slightly more damage and bigger AoE.
F (10 Mastery)Fire Flight: The user’s legs turn into flames, granting them the ability to fly.
Awakened FRocket Flight: The user dashes forward, then flies at medium speed with a trail of fire burning along the user’s back. The user leaves a loop of fire afterward.

All Common Blox Fruits


Fruit Icon
Price$180,000 or R380
Z (1 Mastery)Spike Summon:
The user summons multiple spikes at the location of their cursor. Holding the ability causes the spikes to increase in size.
X (25 Mastery)Whirlwind: The user rotates their arms in a spinning motion, inflicting damage. The longer the move is held, the greater the amount of damage it deals.
C (50 Mastery)Spiky Ball: The user transforms into a spiky ball, pulling enemies along as they move. This move shares characteristics with Dough’s F move also known as Roller Donut.
V (75 Mastery)Spike Barrage: The user conjures a row of spikes in the direction they are facing. The size of the spikes increases the longer the ability is held.


Fruit Icon
Price$100,000 or R250
MovesetElemental Reflex: The wielder is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, and guns) from players unless they are imbued with Aura or, in the case of an NPC, are higher level. This will only work on non-boss enemies.
PassiveEncrustation: While Encrusted, the user gains a 25% defense buff that stacks with Aura. Diamond’s moves cannot be used without the user being Encrusted.
Z (1 Mastery)Smoke Slam: The user turns their hand into smoke, then slams it onto the ground and deals damage, while doing so the user launches the target up.
X (20 Mastery)Smoke Blast:
The user shoots forward a cloud of smoke which on impact leaves a smoke effect slashing the enemy multiple times and dealing damage.
C (50 Mastery)Smoke Liberation: The user summons a large smoke Tornado that expands into a large area of effect, stunning enemies in the process.
F (10 Mastery)Smoke Bomber: The user turns both of their hands into smoke, gaining the ability to fly and releases bomb like smoke which fall and explode. If held above mobs and NPCs, this move can deal damage over an infinite amount of time, as its usage is infinite.


Fruit Icon
Price$80,000 or R220
Z (1 Mastery)Targeted Bomb: The user charges a bomb where the cursor is held. Once the [Z] key is released, the bomb explodes, dealing damage to enemies and launching them into the air. Holding this move allows the user to change the direction and deal more damage as they charge the move.
X (50 Mastery)Bomb Grab: The user dashes forward, and if they hit an enemy, it will cause an explosion and fling them forward in the user’s direction.
C (75 Mastery)Land Mines: The user creates a minefield. The size depends on how long the move is held. If an enemy steps on a land mine, they will be damaged by an explosion. The landmines can only be seen by the user.
V (125 Mastery)Self Destruct: If the ability is held, the user’s health begins to drain, and they begin charging up an explosion. Upon release of the move, an explosion will occur around the user, dealing immense damage and knockback. Holding longer will cause the move to deal more damage and it can’t be cancelled even if the user takes damage. This ability’s health drain is percentage based, similar to water but deals less damage.
F (25 Mastery)The user jumps into the air, creating two explosions while dealing low damage to any enemies caught in them.


Fruit Icon
Price$60,000 or R180
Z (1 Mastery)Knock: The user’s right forearm becomes a spring, launching a punch at the target.
X (20 Mastery)Spring Snipe: The user’s knees become springs, leaping to where they aimed, and dealing damage when it hits the target.
C (50 Mastery)Spring Cannon: The user turns their legs into springs, stretches a decent distance up, and then withdraws, causing a small-sized crater which deals decent damage to enemies.
V (125 Mastery)Spring Emperor:
The user turns their legs into springs, bouncing around a square-shaped AOE area, hitting the target various times before withdrawing and turning their legs back to normal.
F (75 Mastery)Spring Leap:
The user transforms their legs into springs and leaps. The user can bounce on walls, gaining speed and momentum while doing so.


Fruit Icon
Price$30,000 or R100
PassiveSword Clash: Sword attacks are repelled by the user. Blade users will be completely immune to all swords, including ones with Aura.
M1Special M1: The user releases purple slashes in quick succession that travel a good distance before dissipating. Upon contact, targets are knocked back slightly.
Z (1 Mastery)Razor Cyclone:
The user creates blades on their arms, then launches themselves towards their cursor, cutting continually in a horizontal cyclone pattern.
X (20 Mastery)Blade Dance: After making blades on their arms, the user executes a series of spin slashes, creating a whirlwind-like effect around themselves.
C (50 Mastery)Saw Shredder: The user spins blades on their arms quickly before hurling them at their target. Upon contact, the user is propelled forward and slits the opponent in an X shape.
V (80 Mastery)Turbine Flight:
The user creates blades on their right arm and raises it in order to spin like a helicopter.


Fruit Icon
Price$7,500 or R75
Z (1 Mastery)Razor Wind:
The user spins their arms and makes many wind slashes that do damage to anyone in front of them. It can be held for more damage, and stuns the enemy in place.
X (50 Mastery)Tornado Assault: The user spins at high speeds, stunning and slicing anyone in their path in a whirlwind-like fashion. This move follows the user’s cursor.
C (90 Mastery)Air Slasher: The user spins and unleashes a barrage of air slashes, before unleashing a stronger slash that slightly knocks their opponent back.
F (25 Mastery)Helicopter Flight:
The user spins their hands at a rapid rate to start flying toward their cursor at a slow pace.


Fruit Icon
Price$5,000 or R50
Z (1 Mastery)Missile Fist:
The user fires a small rocket from their hand, dealing damage and knockback on the contacted opponent or barrier.
X (20 Mastery)Air Strike:
The user raises their arm and shoots five rockets upwards, before creating targets at their cursor. The previously fired rockets then drop onto the targets, dealing decent damage.
C (50 Mastery)Rocket Crash:
The user jumps to the air at a rapid rate and crashes to the ground where the cursor is pointing, dealing good AoE damage to any contacted enemies.
F (75 Mastery)Blast Off:
The user does a backflip towards the sky and flies at a slow pace with an explosive trail.

Those are all fruits in Blox Fruits. For more guides, check out how to get full body Haki in Blox Fruits.