Elemental or Logia fruits are some of the best options for farming and maining Fruit. Not only do they help early to mid-game with Elemental Reflex to make you immune to lower-level attacks, but their moves usually have great damage, AOEs, combos and mobility. Here?s my Logia Fruit tier list in Blox Fruits.

All Logia Fruits Ranked in Blox Fruits

Image by FruityBlox

I’ll be ranking Logia or Elemental fruits in Blox Fruits from S-Tier to C-Tier. You’ll see that S-Tier picks are overpowered options that you should no doubt go for if you have the budget. A-Tier is filled with cost-effective options that while slightly less powerful are still amazing. Lastly, B-Tier is filled with decent mid-game options while I would ignore C-Tier options as you reach late Second, early Third Sea.

Related: All Fruits in Blox Fruits Listed.

S-Tier Logia/Elemental Fruits

NameCostRanking Explanation

Dough (Mythical)
$2,800,000 or R$ 2,400If you?re just going for PVP and want a Logia/Elemental fruit, get Dough ASAP.
It?s the best PVP Logia in the game due to the sheer amount of damage and stun-lock combo potential that it has combined with some of the strongest AOE moves in the game.
The Evolved Piercing Clothesline and Dough Fist Fusillade are some of the most powerful moves in the game but Evolving them is extremely hard.
Still, if you want a long-term fruit that will carry you through end-game PVE and PVP, this is the best Logia fruit in Blox Fruits. Shout out to that mobility skill too, it even travels on water.

Gas (Mythical)
$3,200,000 or R$ 2,500I think Dough is slightly better for PVP but Gas is a PVE king in terms of Elementals.
It?s also full of powerful mechanics and is one of the best fruits in the game for Raids.
You get OP stun-locking M1s that can lock a Terrorshark in place, you get a powerful transformation that other Elemental fruits don?t, and you have some of the greatest damage in the Mythical range.
When transformed you can stun-lock multiple opponents due to your massive size and still use all your fruit moves.
Not to mention the moves are highly flexible for both PVP and PVE. Easy S-Tier.

A-Tier Logia/Elemental Fruits

NameCostRanking Explanation

Magma (Rare)
$960,000 or R$ 1,300This is probably the best fruit in Blox Fruits in terms of cost-effectiveness and punching way above its rarity.
The Magma is a highly-accessible fruit that?s a beast for PVE farming.
It?ll melt Sea Events from Sea Danger 1 to 6 like the three monsters in Rumbling Waters and the Terrorshark. Also a budget fruit for Prehistoric Island.
You get high-damage AOE moves, walking on water with Lava puddles, and the Evolutions are incredible and not as expensive as some Mythical options because Magma is only Rare.
If you?re in the early to mid-game, get Magma ASAP as it?ll carry you even in the Third Sea.
Blizzard (Legendary)$2,400,000 or R$ 2,250Blizzard fruit is arguably better than Magma but I?m putting it below just to showcase the cost-effectiveness of Magma.
That said, Blizzard is an AOE damage stun-locking beast of a fruit for PVP, Raids, bosses, and Sea Events.
This is because White Out and Howling Wind stun-lock enemies in a tornado while you set up Blizzard Domain for high damage.
Tornado Flight even deals infinite damage while you?re invulnerable which is great for farming.
Overall, this is the best Legendary Logia fruit in the game.

Rumble (Legendary)
$ 2,100,000 or R$ 2,100While not as broken as Dough and Gas since the attacks are slower and need to be aimed better, the Rumble fruit is definitely a powerful option for both PVP and PVE grinding.
From Thunderstorm to Thunderball Destruction you have very good damage and stun-lock combo potential for PVP.
And the vast AOEs are excellent for leveling and killing bosses.
You can?t go wrong with the sheer power of Rumble when compared to the lower Tiers, but if you have a limited budget, I would go for Light or Magma instead.

Light (Rare)
$650,000 or R$ 1,100Another highly cost-effective Rare Elemental fruit option.
It?s just so good for many scenarios.
You get a Light sword for melee attacks that scales with your Fruit stat and some powerful AOE moves that are amazing for farming First and Second sea.
It falls off just slightly in the Third Sea unless you Evolve it but you could go with this fruit until max level and be absolutely fine because it?s also great for PVP due to that amazing range.
Plus, it has one of the fastest mobility moves in the game.

B-Tier Logia/Elemental Fruits

NameCostRanking Explanation

Ice (Uncommon)
$350,000 or R$ 750This almost got A and is easily the pinnacle of B-Tier because Ice is extremely flexible for both PVP and PVE.
The M1 weapon that scales with Fruit is similar to Light and you get some nice damage-dealing options that cover a massive area.
It?s not the best damage ever worthy of A and S-Tier but this is one of the best fruits for First and Second sea farming.

Dark (Uncommon)
$500,000 or R$ 950The Dark fruit is the best B-Tier PVP fruit and is entirely focused on PVP.
The moves just aren?t the best for farming since they?re so focused on stuns and not damage.
That said, it?s excellent for bosses and other players since it can stun-lock well.

Flame (Uncommon)
$250,000 or R$ 550The Flame fruit isn?t as good as Ice but is in the same category of being great for farming First and Second Sea.
It?s more flexible than Dark when it comes to a balance of PVE and PVP moves since they have pretty decent AOE damage.
It?s also quite cheap and affordable and you get an awesome mobility move to fly around with.

C-Tier Logia/Elemental Fruits

NameCostRanking Explanation

Smoke (Common)
$100,000 or R$ 250This is the easiest and cheapest way to get a Logia fruit for Elemental Reflex.
You also get a mix of decent AOE moves and an excellent mobility flight move that you can use to deal damage to PVE enemies without getting hurt.
That said, the low damage and flexibility make it a C-Tier pick.
Still a better option than Sand in my opinion.

Sand (Uncommon)
$420,000 or R$ 850While technically, the Sand fruit is slightly better than Smoke in terms of damage, it faces problems with its moves being low damage, low AOE, and sometimes only hitting a single target like with Sand Coffin. It?s always a good option for PVE if you don?t get anything else due to Elemental Reflex like with all Logia fruits, but I wouldn?t buy it.

And that’s my Logia Fruit tier list in Blox Fruits. For more guides, check out how to get Dragon Eggs for late-game gear.