So, you want to start playing Blox Fruits, huh? Good for you, and great choice. There’s a reason why it’s one of the most popular games in the Roblox community. There’s just one problem: The game is huge.
With the level cap of 2600, this is one of the most intimidating games for new players, and it’s a shame, because it has a lot to offer, especially to those who make it to end-game. Unfortunately, getting to end-game can be a long, boring and often tedious task if you don’t know what to do. That’s exactly why we decided to make this guide.
For the purpose of this guide, we started a new character and decided to level it up from level 1 to 2600, all for the sake of guiding new players like you.
This guide is a work in progress and as we continue leveling up, we’re going to keep adding and changing things.
How this leveling guide works
The main purpose of this guide is to get you to max level fast. We will guide you through zones where you should level, tell you exactly what you should do (which enemies or bosses you should fight), which quests to do, and when to move on. For each section, we’ll also share some of our personal tips to make your journey as smooth as possible.
Disclaimer: You won’t need to buy anything with real money to follow this guide.
We did have Roblox Premium (which gives 15% extra EXP) but we also bought the double money gamepass. Other than that, we only used the Blox Fruit codes for extra EXP, boosts and Status Resets. These are completely free and we highly recommend you use them while leveling.
Quite honestly, we really didn’t need any of this stuff, and you won’t either. They are nice to have, but not mandatory.
A note about distributing stats points

Each time you level up in Blox Fruits, you’ll get a few stats points which you can freely distibute to any of your stats. Naturally, the first time we played this game, we invested into the wrong stats and that caused a lot of headaches. To help you avoid this, here are some tips:
When you’re just starting out, only put points into Melee (and Defense). In general, no matter what you do in the game, Melee is always going to come in handy. If you’re ever unsure in what you should invest: go for Melee.
Putting some points in Defence is also a good idea, and you should do that every time you feel like the enemies you’re fighting are a bit tougher than you’re comfortable with.
Do not invest into Swords and Guns early on. You can do that when you reach other seas, but while you’re still new to the game, just stick with Melee and Defence.
For Blox Fruits, only invest when you have the right Fruit. Until then, just stick to… well, you know by now.
A note about in-game money
Save it! Unless you’re planning to buy things with Robux, save your in-game money so you can buy stuff that will actually help you. Don’t buy unnecessary things, don’t waste money on Fruits you don’t need, and please don’t buy expensive boats.
Even if you have the worst gacha luck in the world, we’ll guide you so you can get to that max level as efficiently as possible but you’ll need to save your money for that to work.
A note about finding your way
For the most part, you’ll be able to follow the in-game compass which will always lead you to your next Quest, but other times you’ll need to backtrack to previously visited locations, and that can be a pain. If you aren’t sure where you need to sail, feel free to use our Blox Fruits Map.
First Sea Leveling Guide

The only thing you should focus on while you’re on the First Sea is getting strong enough to move to the Second Sea. That’s it. We will get a few abilities and maybe an item or two along the way, but for the most part, just focus on getting strong enough to move to the Second Sea.
You’ll get to pick either Pirates or the Marines. Almost everyone always picks Pirates (Oh, gee, we wonder why?) but it doesn’t really matter. Not to mention, you can switch sides every time you log in, so, seriously, don’t worry, and just focus on getting stronger.
Pirate Starter / Marine Starter 1 – 10

Let’s get to that level 10 first. Accept your starting quest and start killing either Bandits or Trainees. A good way to maximize your gain is to tag (hit) a bunch of enemies (3 or more), gather them in one spot, and take them all out at the same time. Do this with Bandits / Trainees.
You should also accept and repeat the starting quest that asks you to kill them (try to do this every time you’re farming a new group of mobs). Keep doing this until you are level 10, which really shouldn’t take too long. Go to the Boat dealer, and set sail for the Jungle.
Jungle 10 – 30

When you reach the Jungle, you have the awful task of killing Monkeys. What makes killing them awful is that they are scattered around all over the island and you spend a lot of time looking for them. Fortunately, you only need to endure this until you are level 15. Once you get there, swim to smaller Jungle island, and start fighting Gorillas.
Unlike Monkeys, Gorillas are a lot easier to farm. Gather them, punch them, rinse and repeat. Keep doing this until you reach level 25, it will take a bit of time but nothing too bad.

At level 25, accept the quest for killing The Gorilla King. He hits hard and has a stun attack, but otherwise isn’t too difficult. It’s also a great chance to learn how dashing works.
After you kill The Gorilla King, you can either server-hot and farm him over and over, or you can continue killing Gorillas and the Gorilla King (when he spawns) until you reach level 30. Afterwards, it’s time for Pirate Village.
Pirate Village 30 – 60

Once you arrive at Pirate Village, it’s time to get serious… not really. It’s the same spiel as before. Grab a quest and start killing Pirates which are in the main Square. Gather and smash these guys until you reach level 40.

From level 40, grab the Brutes quest and start killing them. They are just on the left side of the island. They hit a bit harder than Pirates but shouldn’t give you a lot of problems. If they do, just invest a couple of points into Defense. Keep re-accepting the Brutes quest for extra experience.
At level 50, go back to the Jungle and find the Blox Fruits Gacha NPC. He will sell you a Blox Fruit for an amount that’s relative to your level and how much money you currently have (in-game money, obviously). You should definitely buy it (unless you’ve already spent real money or were given a great Blox Fruit already. Don’t worry if you get a lously one because, at this point, you’re more than good enough with just your fists. Simply take the Fruit, eat it, and go back to Pirate Village and continue killing Brutes.

At level 55, fight Bobby, everyone’s favorite clown pirate. Just like with the Gorilla King, keep killing him and the Brutes, and repeating their quests, until you get to level 60.
Desert Island Level 60 – 90

Enough with all the pirates, let’s move to something completely different: Bandits. When you get to Desert Island, accept the Quest and start killing Bandits. Again, after you finish the quest, simply take it again and repeat for extra EXP. Get comfortable here because you’ll be farming these guys for a while. Fortunately, they are pretty easy to farm.
You may have noticed in our screenshots that we’ve been using the Ice Fruit. We got lucky with at the Blox Fruits Gacha so we started investing our stats points into Blox Fruits. If you haven’t gotten a good Fruit yet, don’t worry. Seriously, unarmed combat is still more than goo enough and it’s about to get even better on the next island when we get some abilities. Even if you don’t get a good Fruit soon, you’ll be able to get more than decent guns and swords later in this guide, so don’t despair.
After you get to level 90, get in your boat and sail towards Snow Island.
Snow Island Level 90 – 120

Once you get to Snow Island, don’t start killing new mobs just yet. First, visit the cave which is on the right side of the island (right of the docks) and talk to the Ability Teacher.
The Ability Teacher can teach you three abilities:
- Air Jump (lets you triple jump. It’s really useful and super fun)
- Aura / Haki (gives you a natural armor while using almost anything)
- Flash Step (an extremely useful dash that can save your skin)
Haki is probably the most useful one here, especially if you are still using your fists. This gives you a natural armor and even a damage buff. You simply cast this on you like you are using a strong armor. Even better, the more you use this, the better it get. Since we are using Ice Blox Fruit, we won’t be using this much but we definitely recommend you use it, especially if you are still using fists.
The other two are just nice to have. Air Jump is fun but it also lets you get to high to reach places. Flash Step may seem useless now, but once you get combo stunned, you’ll be happy you have this.
In case you don’t have enough money to buy all these, simply grind mobs for a bit and just get them all. There’s no reason not to.

Once you have all the abilities from the Ability Teacher, move up to the NPC Quest giver and start killing Snow Bandits. Keep killing them, and repeating the Quest until you are level 100, which shouldn’t take too long.
From level 100 you can start killing Snowmen, which are on the platform above the Snow Bandits. Some players say to just skip these and stick with the Snow Bandits, but we never had problems killing them, and we recommend you do the same. If you find them annoying to gather and kill, just stick with Snow Bandits until you reach level 110.

At level 110, you can kill the Yeti. The Yeti is essentially just like The Gorilla King but he has a stronger punch. We recommend you combine his quest with killing Snowmen. Essentially, kill Yeti whenever he is spawned and kill Snowment whenever you are waiting for the Yeti to spawn. Keep this up until you are level 120, which shouldn’t take more than 2 – 3 Yeti kills.
Marine Fortress 120 – 150
Moving to a warmer place, the Marine Fortress has one set of mobs we’re going to kill and one boss.

Before we start those, it’s a good idea to visit the leftmost tower with the red roof and buy the Black Cape . You need to have Air Jump to reach the top. Get inside and you’ll see an NPC who will sell it to you for around $50,000. You don’t necessarily need this, but if you have the money to spare, it’s definitely worth it.

Once you have the cape, start killing Chief Petty Officers. You can kill a total of four at one time, and we recommend you group them up (just like always) and keep killing them like so (obviously, keep taking the same quest for killing them). Do this until you hit level 130.
At level 130, you can start killing the Vice Admiral. He isn’t too difficult and even if he ends up killing you, just run back and take him out again. Remember, you can invest some points in Defense if you are having trouble with his attacks.

Just like with the Yet and the Snowmen, whenever the Vice Admiral is spawned, take the quest for killing him, and then while you wait for him to spawn, kill the Chief Petty Officers. This will take around 30 minutes (mush less if you use an EXP boost) but after you hit level 150, you’ll be ready for the next island.
Skylands Level 150 – 190
If you’re still using your fists by the time you reach Skylands, it’s time to start saving your money for a permanent upgrade. You need to have $500,000 to get the Electric Fighting style. If you already have a good Blox Fruit, you can skip this.
The Electric Fighting style replaces your fists, you can still use your Aura ability and, most importantly, it will do a lot more damage to enemies.

If you still don’t have enough money start saving now (you can grind the mobs on Skylands if you’re missing a bit). On the very bottom of the Skylands (where the boat dealers are), look at the cloudy area (image above) and walk throught he marked area. You will go through the cloud and you’ll see a rock structure on the other side. Go around this structure and you’ll find the Mad Scientist. Pay him $500,000, learn the Electric Fighting style and start training it. Seriously, this is an awesome upgrade if all you’ve been using untill now were regular fists. We still have the Ice Fruit, so we didn’t take this but we definitely would have otherwise.

Back to leveling… climb the Skylands until you reach the Quest NPC. You first need to kill Sky Bandits until you hit level 175. The Sky Bandits are in the Castle area below the NPC quest giver (almost right undeneath him). What’s annoying about mobs in Skylands is that each time you want to re-accept the quest, you need to climb all the way back.

To make this easier, set a homepoint at the top and just teleport back each time you need to take the Quest again.

At level 175, start killing Dark Masters. Again, they are located below the Quest giver, on the grassy field. Simply group them up together, and kill them (hopefully you have the Electric Fighting style for this bit). Kill them until you hit level 190, and you’re ready for Prison Island.
Prison Island Level 190 – 250

Prison Island is annoying at first, but gets better. First, you need to kill regular Prisoners and the Dangerous Prisoners. Kill regular Prisoners until level 210 and then start Dangerous Prisoners until you hit level 220. What makes killing these guys so annoying is that they are spread around so much. It’s difficult to group them and there are even barricades on the road which will prevent the enemies from following you. We highly recommend you use one of the Double EXP codes so you can speed up through this bit.

From level 220, things are going to get a bit more interesting. Now you’ll be killing three bosses. Warden at level 220, Chief Warden at 230, and Swan at level 240. What’s great about this is that none of the bosses are too difficult, and they spawn pretty fast. We recommend you simply see which one is up and then accept the quest for killing him. If none of the bosses are up, you can either wait or kill a few more Dangerous Prisoners. Without an EXP boost, we killed Warden five times, Chief Warden 3 times and Swan only once, we also did a few Dangerous Prisoners a few times in between. Afterwards, we were level 250 and were ready for the next island.
Colosseum Level 250 – 300

Get comfy at the Colosseum because you’ll be here for a while, and there are even glitches on this island.
While you’re doing the Colosseum, consider getting an Elemental Fruit, if you don’t have one already. Elemental (Logia) Fruits can really help you out from this point on because enemies (even weak ones) are going to start hitting a lot harder and an Elemntal Fruit will give you immunity from regular attacks.
Elemental Fruits include: Smoke, Flame, Ice, Sand, Dark, Light, Magma, Rumble, Blizzard, Dough, and Gas.
Either get one from the Blox Fruits Dealer (at the starting island), from the Blox Frutis Gacha or maybe you know a friend who can gift you one. This isn’t mandatory, but it will definitely help you out as you continue leveling. Just something to keep in mind.

Back to the Colosseum, you’ll need to kill Toga Warriors until you are level 275. Toga Warriors are a bit spread out, but otherwise aren’t too tough to kill. This will take a while, but just keep at it.

From level 275 to 300, you need to kill … Gladiators. We really didn’t like this bit and we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you use another EXP Boost code here. Gladiators are spread out and even worse, they seem to be bugged and only spawn when you get close to their location. In other words, farming these guys was a nightmare. Keep killing them until you hit level 300, and move on to the next island.
Note: You may not be able to leave the island because the boat will be bugged. Either swim towards the next island, or teleport elsewhere and move on.
Magma Village Level 300 – 375

Thankfully, Magma Village is a lot more striaghtforward than the Colosseum. First, start killing Militairy Soldiers until you hit level 325. They are all over the lower part of Magma Village and shouldn’t take too long to beat.

At level 325, move to Militariy Spies up the side of the volcano, but not all the way to the top. There are exactly four Military Spies and you’ll need to kill them all twice to finish the quest. Other than that, they are pretty striaghtforward.

At level 350, you can try killing the Magma Admiral, who is inside the volcano. He has a few nasty attacks but shouldn’t be a problem otherwise. Combine killing him with killing Military Spies to speed up the process. Again, don’t forget to re-accept the quests before you kill anyone, epseically bosses. We’ll keep reminding you, don’t worry.
The great thing about this bit is that you have a hole that can peek inside the volcano. So, while you are killing Military Spies, take a peek to see if the Magma Admiral has spawned. If he has, take the quest for killing him again. If he hasn’t, just continue with the Military Spies.
Once you hit level 375, you can move to the next area. This is also a good time to start saving money for the Instinct (Observation) ability.
Underwater City Level 375 – 450

If you’re sick of fighting on the surface (and in the sky), it’s time to go to the bottom of the ocean. When you reach the Underwater City pier, jump into the whirlpool in the middle and you’ll be teleported to the bottom of the ocean.

When you arrive, accept the the new Quest and start fighting the Fishman Warriors (they are on the left of the Quest giver). They are relatively easy to farm, so just keep at it until you hit level 400.

At 400, move to destroying Fishman Commandos (on the right from the Quest giver, past the palace). Again, very straightforward, gather them all, destroy them with your abilities, re-accept the quests, rinse and repeat.

At 425, you can start killing the Fishman Lord. He isn’t too difficult but he has two phases, so you’ll need to kill him twice, in a way. There used to be a way to attack him through one of the windows to the palace but as far as we can tell, that’s been patched, so you’ll need to fight him the old fashioned way. Just like on previous islands, combine killing the Fishman Lord with killing Fishman Commandos to make the leveling process faster. When you reach level 450, it’s time to revisit one of the islands.
Skylands (Upper) Level 450 – 625

If you missed Skylands, great news, you’re going back there. If you already have the Instinct ability, then you’ll know exactly where you need to go.
Head to the very top of Skylands, and when you get to the top, you need to use the Air Jump ability to reach the uppermost cloud. From there, there are new enemies, and new Quests.

Your first set of farming mobs are God’s Guards. They are a breeze to farm (no pun intended). Keep fighting them until you reach level 475.

To reach your next mobs, you need to go through the temple, go down the hole and get teleported to the area with the giant tree root (again, the same area where you find the Instinct teacher). From level 475 to level 500, farm Shandae, who are also pretty easy to farm.

At level 500, combine killing Shandae with killing the boss Wysper (he is on the other side of the root from the Shandae. Keep killing the two until you hit level 525.
More Skylands Level 525 – 625

Once you hit level 525, you need to move up to the upper part of the Skylands (by following the tree root up). And fight the next set of enemies. Your first group are Royal Squad soldiers. They are relatively easy and can be gathered and destroyed at once.

At level 550, move over to the Royal Soldiers, which are just on the other side of the Royal Squad soldiers. Again, they are very straightforward, and easy to farm.

At 575 you can start killing the Thunder God boss who is on the other side of the temple where you learned the Instinct Haki. He can be quite challenging, so definitely avoid his attacks. What’s worse is that, if you die, you will get spawned all the way back to where the God’s Guards were, so there’s quite a walk back, meaning, the Thunder God will have recovered all his health.
What’s even worse is that you need to combine killing him with the Royal Soldiers until you are 625 (so 25 levels more than what we normally farm). Yes, this can be quite annoying but just keep at it, because we only have one more zone until we can move to the Second Sea. At level 625, head for Fountain City – The final zone before you can go to the Second Sea.
Fountain City Level 625 – 700

Fountain City is a pain… but it’s the last zone you need to farm before you move on to the Second Sea. When you arrive, accept the Quest and start killing Galley Pirates. They aren’t strong but they are spread apart and behind walls (almost like they are inside Zoo exhibits). Honestly, the best way to farm these guys is to just walk up to them and spam-attack them one-by-one.

Do this until you hit level 650, after which you can accept the Quest for killing Galley Captains. Again, they are almost impossible to group, so you’ll need to walk up to each one and spam-attack them.

At level 675, you get to fight the toughest boss in The First Sea: the Cyborg. He has two annoying attacks that hit pretty hard and can easily knock you out. Our advice is to learn his pattern, and run away before he launches his gas and missile attacks. Once you beat him, you can continue farming him and the Galley Captains until you reach level 700. At that point you are ready for the Second Sea. You just have to do the introductory Quest first.
How to get to the Second Sea Level 700
To get to the Second Sea, you’ll need to sail all over the First Sea (mostly places you’ve already visited) and complete a couple of things. If you get lost, you can use our Blox Fruits Map to find your way.

First, sail to Prison Island and talk to the Militairy Detective who is standing near the entrance, next to the the Home Point NPC. Talk to him, and he will tell you that a convict has escaped and he wants you to bring him down. You will get a key from him.

Go back to your boat and sail to the Frozen Village to the same cave where you learned the Full Body / Aura Haki and filled the Cup with water. Inside this cave is a wooden door that you can open with the key you got from the Detective. Equip the key and walk up to the door to open it. Inside you’ll find Ice Admiral. Defeat him and he will tell you how it’s all a big misunderstanding and how the real culprit is …. dun, dun, dun… in the Second Sea, and since you are capable of defeating him, maybe you should be the one to go out and catch him.

Sail back to Prison Island and talk to the Militairy Detective again, who will agree that you should go to the Second Sea.

Now, sail to Middle Town. Find the Experienced Captain next to a yellow house in Middle Town and talk to him. He will casually say that he can take you to the Second Sea. Say “YES” and… viola, you’ll get teleported to the Second Sea.

Pat yourself on the back because you achived something most Blox Fruits players never do, you made it to the next zone. Statstically, most people who make it to the Second Sea, also make it to max level, so you’re well on your way to max level.
Second Sea Leveling Guide

Welcome to the Second Sea. Right of the bat, you’ll notice it’s different than the first one. For one thing, you’ll see a lot more players, likely expeirence a lot more griefing and you’ll definitely sail less between islands. You’ll also be revisiting areas a lot more, especially the zone you start at: Kingdom of Rose. This is not only a leveling zone, but also a trading hub where players of all levels will gather and mingle around. Buckle up, because things are about to get a bit more tricky, but with the right guide (like this one), you should be just fine.
Kingdom of Rose Level 700 – 875

When you first spawn in the Second Sea, walk up the stairs and look for a huge exclamation mark which is just above the first Quest NPC.

Your first task is to destory Raiders. They are all located in the large brown patch just on the left side when you first enter the zone. Killing these guys can be annoying because there’s only four of them, and they are spread out. Some players even recommend you entirely skip them and go back to farming Fountain City mobs. We recommen you just stick to farming Raiders because the next set of mobs are going to get a lot easier to farm. Keep doing this until you reach level 725.

Now move on to Mercenaries. There are two walled villages with little tents inside them just next to the Raiders. Mercenaries are a lot easier to farm because you can group them. They also have an attack that sends you flying but it shouldn’t be a huge deal. Keep farming them until you hit 750. You may also noticed that we switched from using the Ice Fruit to using the T-Rex Fruit (it was available at the Blox Fruit Dealer, so we couldn’t resist the urge).

At 750, you can try and farm the Diamond boss. We say “try” because there’s a very good chance someone else is farming the boss, and it takes forever for it to respawn. You can get a few levels by killing him but you can pretty much skip him if you want to. You need to head to the other side of the Kingdom of Rose, you can get there by gouing through one of the tunnels and climbing atop the sunflower platform (see image above). In short, farm Diamond if you can and keep killing the Mercenaries until you hit level 775.

At 775, you can start killing the Swan Pirates. You get the Quest from the NPC on the other side of the wall, the same side where the Diamond boss was. These are a breeze to farm and the only thing that can get in your way are other players. Killing the Swan Pirates is also part of the Alchemist’s quest (where you can change your race). Keep killing them until you hit level 875.

Wait a minute? Level 875? Aren’t there other enemies to kill in the meantime. Obviously, but we really don’t recommend you do. At level 800, you get the option to kill Factory Staff (who are just on the left from the Quest giver, through the tunnel) but you really should just stick with Swan Pirates. The problem is, these guys are so spread out and take forever to kill. You can finish the Swan Pirates quest 2 – 3 times by the time it takes you to destroy 8 Factory Staff NPCs. Don’t take our word for it, try it yourself and you’ll see exactly what we mean.

At 825, you get to fight the boss Jeremy. He’s on the top of the mountain where the Swan Pirates are and he’s a pretty easy boss. Combine killing him with Swan Pirates until you hit level 875.
Before you start farming the next area, we highly recommend you finish the Race V2 Quest, check out our guide if you need some pointers.
Green Zone Level 875 – 950

If you’ve done the Race V2 Quest, you know exactly where the Green Zone is. Head there, talk to the Quest NPC, and start killing your first set of mobs, which are Marine Lieutenants. They are a bit spread out, but otherwise pretty easy to kill.

At level 900, you can start to farm Marine Captains. They hit a bit harder but are generally easier to kill because you can group them together. Fight them until you hit level 925.

At that point, you can also fight the local boss, Fajita. He isn’t exactly difficult, but his meteor attack is pretty nasty. Just dash back a few times whenever he leaps into the air, and you should be fine. Combine killing Fajita with killing the Marine Captains until you hit level 950, and you’ll be ready for the next zone.

Note: We have to brag a bit here, but we actually managed to buy the Buddha Fruit from the Blox Fruit Dealer. As much as we enjoyed playing around with the T-Rex Fruit, the Buddha Fruit is a fantastic long-term investment and we’ll be using it in this guide from now on, along with a Water Kung Fu fighting style. Make sure you check your local Blox Fruit Dealer and Blox Fruit Gacha frequently, because you never know what might be available for sale.
Graveyard Island Level 950 – 1000
You may have already visited this island during the Race V2 Quest. If not, welcome! There’s a zombie outbreak and a cave full of vampires, but that’s why you’re here right?

Grab the Quest, and start grinding Zombies. They are all over the island and it helps to just run laps around it while killing them. They aren’t too tough and you can easily kill them. Keep doing that until you reach level 975.

At 975, you can dash your way to a nearby cave and kill Vampires but, honestly, you can just keep killing the Zombies like we did. The Vampires are okay, but there’s only 5 of them (and you need 8 to finish the Quest), they hit hard, and they don’t spawn as fast as Zombies. The EXP difference isn’t that huge either, so we advise you just stick with Zombies until you hit level 1,000.
Snow Mountain Level 1,000 – 1,100

Time to cool down after all those Zombies. Head for Snow Mountain and accept the quest for killing Snow Troopers. They are pretty easy to kill and you can group them up and take them all down very efficiently. Now, normally we take action shots during the grinding process but with the Buddha fruit, the shots don’t look that great, so we we temporarily turned it off to show you the enemies. Keep accepting and re-accepting the quest for the Snow Troopers until you hit level 1,050. At around this time, you should also consider doing the Race V3 Quest.

At 1,050, you can start attacking Winter Warriors (who are just on the other side of the wooden bridge). Again, very straightforward. You can gather them and take them out but be careful of their Gorilla King ground slam. Keep destroying them until you hit level 1,100, after which you can move to the next area.
Hot and Cold Level 1,100 – 1,250

After all that snow, it’s time for… even more snow. Even though Hot and Cold has a lava-themed area, we are mostly going to be in the cold one. Grab your first quest and start killing Lab Subordinates. They are also pretty easy to farm and you only need to kill them until you hit level 1,125.

After this… it’s up to you weather or not you want to go for Horned Warriors. You see, these guys are really annoying because they can freeze you in place, especially if you like to group them up. If you can handle the damage, then they are great for farming, if you can’t…. well, you may want to stick with farming Lab Subordinates. Have a look at the video above and see for yourself if this type of farming is worth it. It’s a breeze with a Buddha Fruit.

Keep farming the Horned Warriors (Lab Subordinates until you hit level 1,175, and when you reach 1,150, you can also try and get Smoke Admiral (he is on the Lava side of Hot and Cold, inside the fort) but he is a somewhat popular boss, so he may not be there at all times. During our leveling, we only killed him twice. Essentially, keep this up until you hit 1,175.

At 1,175 you’re going to start killing mobs on the Lava side (the same side as the Smoke Admiral). Magma Ninjas are on the left side of the Quest giver and you can grind and group them up relatively painless until you hit level 1,200.

For the next 50 levels, you can either kill Lava Pirates, combine Lava Pirates with Magma Ninjas, or just stick with Magma Ninjas. If you want, you can even take out the Smoke Admiral if you see that he’s spawned. Lava Pirates aren’t difficult to farm, but they are few in numbers, and a bit spread out. Honestly, just farm a few groups and see if you like the progress rate and decide from there. Keep this up until you hit 1,200.
This guide is still a work in progress, and we’ll keep updating it as we level up more. If you’re having trouble, check out our Blox Fruits codes, for some awesome in-game freebies.