Did you know there are different races in Blox Fruits? No, we’re not talking about enemy races, but player races. Most players start as Humans but there’s a small chance you can spawn as a Rabbit, Angel, Shark or some of the other races. You can even change races if you want.
Regardless of the race you are, did you know you can also level up your race? Yup, it’s true, and today we’re going to tell you how to do it. Even if you are just a plain old Human, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take full advantage of your Blox Fruits race.
How Race V2, V3, and V4 work

As we explained above, even when you change races, you will only be the V1 (Version 1) of that race. To unlock more of what your race has to offer you need to get it to V2, V3, and eventually V4.
Before you ask, YES, even Humans should unlock their full potential. Race Quests are something you should do as soon as possible regardless of which race you play, otherwise, you are just wasting your potential.
Each class has different requirements for V3 and especially V4 versions. Fortunately, the Race V2 Quest is the same for everyone, and that’s what we are going to tell you how to get it.
Note: If you complete this quest, and change your race, you’ll have to do it again (but only the Alchemist bit, not the Colosseum Quest). If you switch back to a race on which you’ve previously finished the quest, you won’t have to do it again.
Before you get Race V2
Before you’re able to do the Race V2 Quest, you need the following:
- Have access to the Second Sea – Kingdom of Rose
- Be level 850+
- Complete the Colloseum Quest
We also recommend you have a decent Blox Fruit, but it’s not necessary. When you are ready to begin, visit the Trading Post in Kingdom of Rose to start the first part of the Quest.
Colloseum Quest

Talk to Bartilo inside the Trading Post in the Kingdom of Rose. If you aren’t level 850, he will just repeat the the Colloseum needs help but if you are above 850, he will give you a quest to kill 50 Swan Pirates.

If you’ve been following our leveling guide, you should be very familiar with these guys; they are super easy to farm and easy to take out. Accept the quest and start mowing down Swan Pirates and when you get 50 of them, go back to Bartilo.

When you talk to him again, he will have you kill the Swan Pirates leader, Jeremy. You may have already fought this boss, but if you haven’t climb on the very top of the mountain (just next to the Swan Pirates) and he should be there. If he isn’t just wait a bit, he spawns fast and is very easy to beat.

Defeat Jeremy and he will tell you he’s imprisoned the Colloseum fighters (gladiators). They are being kept in the Colloseum dungeon and you need a password from Don Swan’s mansion to free them. Return to Bartilo and explain what you learned and get ready for the next bit.

You can visit Don Swan’s mansion in the very center of Kingdom of Rose (the mansion on the center wall), but you can just look at our image above and copy the code.

Head for the Colosseum, and when you enter, look for a little room just under the leftern bridge. Inside this room, you’ll see a bunch of symbols on the pillars and walls and two cells filled with gladiators. Touch each of the symbol in order and the gladiators will be free. You’ll even get a helmet for your trouble. Return to Bartilo and he will thank you, and you’ll finish the Quest.

Once this part is done, you’ve unlocked all the requirements to do the Race V2 Quest.
How to complete Race V2 Quest

First, head to the Green Zone (it’s on the other side of the wall in Kingdom of Rose, across the long bridge). In the Green zone, go to the other side of the area, and look for a path leading to an NPC in black with glasses. This is the Alchemist. Talk to him, and he will tell you that you still haven’t unlocked your full potential. He needs three flowers, and, obviously, he isn’t going to tell you where any of them are, hence why you’re reading this guide. You gotta love Roblox games!

Anyway, you need the Red, the Blue and the Yellow Flower. Before we tell you where each one is, remember the following:
- You can’t die during this quest
- You can’t server hop
- You can’t log out
If you do any of these, you will lose your progress, meaning, the flowers you’ve collected. Your biggest obstacle will be other players. By now, you’ve probably been killed by high-level players for no reason, and if this happens to you, you’ll need to collect all flowers again. So, try to avoid any players you may come across during this bit.
As scary as all this sounds, it’s really not hard to finish this quest. In fact, you should be able to do it in about 10 minutes.
So, here’s where the flowers are:
Red Flower

The Red Flower either in the Green Zone or in the Kingdom of Rosa. Here are all the places where it can spawn:
- Near the Quest giver NPC in the Green Zone, next to a large stem (this is where we found it)
- In the Green Zone, on one of the sides of a brown cliff
- In the Kingdom of Rosa on a cliff opposite of where you fought the Diamond boss
- In Don Swan’s Mansion, look around the flower beds
- Between the red bulding and a yellow ramp on the other side of the wall
Note: Normally, only one of each flowers spawns in one of the above locations each in-game day. Just check all of these spots, it shouldn’t take too long. They are really small and can be missed if you aren’t careful.
Blue Flower

The Blue Flower can spawn in one of the three small islands around eh Kingdom of Rose. It only appears when it’s night time.
- Graveyard Island – On one of the graves where all the zombies are
- Graveyard Island – On the shore next to one of the trees
- Remote Island – in the very center of the island
- Remote Island – On the edge of the island behind the house with the chest
- Cave Island – there’s an entrance on the side of the island. Inside, look for a hole on the ceiling. Air Jump your way to the top and there might be a flower in the very middle (this is where we got ours)
Yellow Flower
The easiest or the hardest of the bunch, depending on how you look at it. The Yellow flower can randomly drop from any mob you kill while you’re on the Quest. Again, don’t forget, if you die, you lose all the flowers you’ve found up to this point and the same happens if another player kills you.

We actually found our Yellow Flower on Graveyard Island from killing Zombies while we were waiting for night time (because we were waiting for the Blue Flower to spawn). We recommend you do the same, or farm anywhere less crowded so you don’t risk someone killing you and resetting your progress.
Finishing the Race V2 Quest

Once you have all three flowers in your inventory, return to the Alchemist in the Green Zone. Give him $500,000, and just like that, you’ll level your Race to V2. As a Human, your Flash Step has a lower cooldown, you get an extra dodge for your Instinct.
Don’t forget, if you change your race, you have to do this Flower Quest again, but if you change back to the race on which you’ve finished this quest, you’ll have all the benefits already unlocked.
That’s all there is to it. Have fun with your new unlocked potential. If you need a boost while leveling, check out our Blox Fruits codes guide.