While you’re in the Second Sea, one thing you definitely need to do is unlock your Race V3. Not only will this make your race abilities stronger, but it’s pretty much a requirement in order to move on to the Third Sea. In this guide we’ll tell you how to evolve your race to V3.
Race V3 Requirements

Before you unlock your Race V3, you’ll need the following:
- Access to the Second Sea
- Have Race V2 unlocked
- Be level 1,000+
- Have $2,000,000
- Have a Blox Fruit in your inventory, worth at least, $1,000,000
The only difficult bit can be the Blox Fruit. Get in the habit of talking to the Blox Fruit gacha NPC (every two hours) and trying your luck on getting a high value fruit. Depending on your luck, this can take a while. We got lucky and got a Love Fruit (worth $1,200,000). Needless to say, make sure you don’t eat this fruit, you’ll need to give it to an NPC.
Don Swan Quest
Similar to how you had to do the Colosseum quest to unlock the Race V2 Quest, you also need to do a pre-requisite quest for Race V3, and it’s the Don Swan quest.

Take the $1,000,000+ to Don Swan’s mansion (the one on the wall in Kingdom of Rose) and talk to the NPC Trevor, who’s next to the pool. Have the Fruit in your hand when you talk to him.
He will say that it’s an excellent fruit and will let you see the Don (if the fruit is worth less than $1,000,000 he will say it’s trash but still take it).

Once you give Trevor the Fruit, enter the mansion next to him and walk downstairs down the double door. Inside the room, you should find Don Swan (he is a popular boss, and he respawns rarely, so if you don’t see him, just server hop until you see him).
Don Swan isn’t a hard boss, but he does have two phases, so be ready for that. Once you beat him, you’ll have all the pre-requisites for the Race V3 Quest.
Race V3 Quest

Head towards the flat plateau with sunflowers (the one where the Diamond boss is) and go to the back side of the plateau (refer to our gif). Walk through the invisible wall and speak with the NPC arowe. Provided you did the Don Quest he will tell you that he can make your race abilities stronger.
Depending on your race, he will have a different task for you. Unfortunately, some are trickier than others. Here’s every quest depending on your race:
- Human – You need to defeat the bosses Diamond, Jeremy, and Fajita (check the leveling guide to find where they are)
- Rabbit – Run around the map and collect 30 Chests (easy-peasy)
- Shark – Sail until you encounter a Sea Beast. (Can take a while)
- Angel – Open the chat (or using Discord) and find another player who is an Angel race and ask if you can kill them in PvP . Otherwise, just roam around until you find an Angel player and kill them (we think the former solution is probably easier)
- Ghoul – Get 5 PvP kills (any level, can even be the same person five times). If you’re having trouble, just go to the First Sea and gank low level players.
- Cyborg – Take any fruit from your inventory and give it to arowe (he won’t actually take it, but will be happy that you’re offering nonetheless)

Once you’re done, go back to arowe, pay him $2,000,000, and you’ll unlock your Race V3 special abilities and even be able to get to the Third Sea.
That’s all there is to it. If you need an XP boost or a Stat reset for free, check out our Blox Fruits codes.