You’ll need to find the Mirage Island to get the Blue Gear with your Mirror Fractal if you want to Awaken your Race. I’ll guide you on how to find the island in the easiest way possible and also the Blue Gear. Here’s the Mirage Island Location in Blox Fruits.

How to Spawn Mirage Island in Blox Fruits

reaching sea danger levels in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

Mirage Island randomly spawns while sailing Sea Danger Levels 0-6 and reaching Danger levels is easy as we showed you in our Prehistoric Island guide. It’s all about being in the Third Sea and sailing away from the main islands until you start seeing rocks come up from the water and your compass on the left telling you you’re in Level 0. Keep sailing away to reach higher Danger levels and I highly recommend looking for Mirage Island in Level 4 to 5.

Video by FruityBlox

This is because here you’ll have the best chance and I wouldn’t go into Level 6 because the fog makes it really hard to see and Sea Events get more annoying to deal with. To increase your chances of spawning Mirage Island I would bring a party of friends each in their own boats to increase the chances of spawning the island. Once one of you spawns the island, that player shouldn’t leave it because it’ll despawn so rush to the island once anyone discovers it. The island also despawns after 15 minutes so you’ll have to hurry to find the Blue Gear.

How to Find Blue Gear in Blox Fruits

Image by FruityBlox

If you have the Mirror Fractal, you have to reach the highest point of the island at night which looks like a stone peak. Once at the highest point on the stone platform and it’s night-time, look at the moon and use your Race ability while staring at the moon for 5 to 15 seconds. You’ll get a message “Your <Mirror Fractal> has resonated with the moon”.

mirage island guide in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

Then, you must find the Blue Gear on the island before night ends or the island despawns. Check out the possible spawn locations for the Blue Gear above. Once you find and touch the Blue Gear, you’ll get a message about the Temple of Time where you can continue for your Race Awakening. Now you’ll be able to pull the level there where you previously couldn’t without the Blue Gear. The island despawns after 15 minutes after spawning so I highly recommend landing as close to the stone peak as possible and waiting for night there.

blue gear locations
Image by FruityBlox

Mirage Island Tips in Blox Fruits

Here are some helpful tips revolving around the Mirage Island location in Blox Fruits:

  • Party Up: The more ships you have in your party searching for the island, the higher the chances because each player adds a spawn chance to the pool. Have your search party spread out and once one player finds the Mirage Island, have them stay there and have all the party members rush to their position.
  • Bring a Sturdy Boat: I highly recommend a Lantern, Guardian, or Sentinel Ship or any other high HP boat that you need to constantly repair since you’ll be dealing with a lot of high level Sea Events on Sea Danger Level 4 to 5.
  • Bring a Water Walking Fruit: I highly recommend fruits like Buddha or Magma that either allow you to walk on water or create water platforms since Terrorsharks and other Sea Events might knock you into the water.
  • Avoid Sea Danger Level 6: This levels not only has more annoying Sea Events but is incredibly dark due to the fog making your search more difficult than it needs to be.
  • Boat Facing: The island always spawns in the direction your boat is facing so you should always be looking ahead.
  • Advanced Fruit Dealer: The Advanced Fruit Dealer can also spawn around various locations on Mirage Island if you want to trade.

That’s it for my guide on how to spawn Mirage Island in Blox Fruits. For more Blox Fruits guides, check out how to get Dragon Eggs for legendary weapons and the Draco race.