Unlocking and awakening all Races in Blox Fruits is definitely gonna take you some time. However, as some races are just flat-out better than others, we prepared the following Blox Fruits Races tier list to help you focus your grinding efforts.

Blox Fruits Races Tier Lists

As there are four variants of each Race in Blox Fruits, we decided to make a separate tier list for every stage of progression. Each tier list ranks Races based on their overall strength in Blox Fruits, both in PvP and PvE. We didn’t take into consideration how difficult it is to obtain some of the Races because the stronger ones are very much worth the grind.

Blox Fruits Races V1 Tier List

Most V1 Races are available right from the start, and they only provide minor buffs. When you create your character, you will spawn either with Human, Rabbit, Shark, or Angel Race. The best ones to start with are definitely Shark and Rabbit because they speed you up and thus speed up your grind. Angel Race is decent, while the other three are unlocked later on.

Races V2 Tier List

After you enter the Second Sea, you will be able to upgrade all your Races to V2 almost right away. You will also get the chance to obtain Ghoul and Cyborg Races. However, all Races are still relatively equal in power, so it’s best to stick with either Rabbit or Shark. Draco, even though unlocked much later on, gets an ability on V2 that makes it way stronger compared to other V2 Races.

Races V3 Tier List

After quite a bit of grinding in the Second Sea, you will be able to evolve most of your Races to V3, which unlocks their first ability. Taking into consideration how long it takes to unlock any of the V4 Races, Cyborg and Shark are your go-to options at this stage. Both have excellent abilities that are useful both in PvE and PvP. Ghoul and Angel are decent, while Rabbit and Human are just bad compared to the rest.

Races V4 Tier List

With V4, you finally get to unlock the full potential of Races in Blox Fruits. All Races get two new abilities that can basically change up your whole playstyle. Shark and Draco take the cake as the best V4 Races in Blox Fruits, but Cyborg is in close third place. Angel and Ghoul are very good for some specific playstyles, while Human and Rabit are just lackluster.

Blox Fruits Race Summary

Human Race

Overall, the Human Race is the weakest one in Blox Fruits. It provides only smaller buffs to basic mechanics like melee attacks, Flash Step, and Instinct. However, you do get a Rage meter that progressively boosts your damage and three Flash Step charges while transformed. It’s good for very aggressive builds.

Rabbit Race

The Rabbit Race is all about increasing your movement speed while on land, which is handy while grinding early on. Its V4 transformation is definitely the weakest. It provides you only with slightly more mobility and a situational tornado. You will get the most from this race if you pair it up with other speed boost mechanics and items like the Leopard accessory.

Shark Race

Shark Race is one of the best starter Races, and for a simple reason: it reduces the damage Blox Fruit users take while in water. On V3 and V4, you also get:

  • An ability that temporarily reduces the damage you take by 70%.
  • A Shield that regenerates when you deal damage and prevents 85% of the damage you take.
  • A debuff you apply when hitting enemies that slows them and reduces their defenses.

Shark is an excellent PvP Race for beginners and veterans alike. However, it lacks mobility on land.

Angel Race

The Angel Race is quite underwhelming early on, giving you only increased jump height and a decent heal ability. However, with V4, you unlock the ability to fly while using the Angel Race, which is very useful for escaping unfavorable combats. You also get an aura that slows, damages, dazes, and stuns enemies around you.

Angel Race is especially useful for sky camping. It doesn’t have any mobility while on land, which can be crucial in PvP.

Ghoul Race

The Ghoul Race is just good all around. It’s not amazing, but it gives you life steal while using a fighting style. It also increases your health regeneration and movement speed during the night. On V3, you get an ability that buffs your damage, speed, defenses, and cooldowns. Similar to the Angel Race, you get an aura that debuffs enemies on V4, and your life steal works with all types of attacks.

Ghoul race gives you a little bit of everything, but to properly utilize it, your playstyle needs to be very aggressive.

Cyborg Race

With how difficult it is to get it, the Cyborg Race provides you with basically no buffs until you unlock the V3 version of it. Despite this, it is still one of the best Races in Blox Fruits. Its full AoE ability deals decent damage, and on V4, your attack chain deals additional DoT damage, and you get a lot of mobility.

Cyborg Race is excellent both for grinding and PvP. However, it is extremely difficult to get and awaken.

Draco Race

The Draco Race is obtainable only in the late game, after reaching level 2000. It is very expensive to upgrade, but it does provide you with significant buffs. With V2, you get the ability to fly for 5 seconds, and your Flash Steps start causing an explosion that deals decent damage. Your V3 ability simultaneously buffs your teammates and debuffs enemies in its range.

After you finally unlock Draco Race V4, you get two new abilities. Both are a huge DPS increase, and they apply both to you and your allies. One lets you apply explosive orbs with hits, while the other enables you to reflect the damage you receive.

And that sums up our Blox Fruits Races tier list. If you are a completions like myself, then make sure to check out our guide on how to get all Fruits in Blox Fruits as well.