There are several methods to farm Beli or money in Blox Fruits depending on your progress in the game. I’ll guide you through some optimal requirements for farming money as well as the best farming methods in First, Second, and Third Sea. Here’s my Beli farming guide in Blox Fruits.

How to Farm Money in Blox Fruits

how to get fortune enchantment in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

Below we’ll be going through the best Beli farming methods in Blox Fruits so that you can farm a ton of money fast in First, Second, and Third Sea. The short answer is that it’s all about farming bosses, raids, and Sea Monsters but I want to dive into the details for each Sea. Before we start, I highly recommend keeping these optional prerequisites in mind for better farming:

  • 2x Money Game Pass: I would seriously consider getting the 2x Money gamepass if you’re able to and if you plan to farm Beli in Blox Fruits. Imagine if you’re investing 8 hours into farming money, this Game Pass would practically give you 4 hours of your game time back. The extra money only applies to NPCs and Quests, not chests.
  • Fortune Enchantment: If you’re in Third Sea, I highly recommend the Fortune Enchantment on your Sword or Gun since it can give you a 15%/30%/45%/60% boost to money gain depending on the Level you roll. It’s one of the random enchantments that you apply to weapons using Scrolls via the Dragon Talon Sage on Tiki Outpost Third Sea in the image above.
  • Premium Membership: The monthly Robux membership gives you a 10% for Beli but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it over 2x Money since it’s a lesser increase that you have to renew each month. If you want to invest Robux into the game, the 2x Money Game Pass is better value. That said, if you can afford both, the extra 10% is nothing to scoff at.

Now that we have our farming base let’s dive into the methods for all seas.

First Sea Beli Farming in Blox Fruits

how to farm beli in first sea blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

There are two main ways to farm money in the First Sea and it’s generally the least effective place to farm. That said, if you need some quick cash for your first major fruit or something else, here are my two Beli farming methods:

  • Jungle Diamond Chest: Go to Jungle island and head to the center stone fort platform with the quest giver. Go down the stairs with your camera zoomed in and down the little hole again to reach a Diamond chest for $2000. You can server hop here and farm this chest for some quick money but the method below is the best one for First Sea.
how to farm chests in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox
  • Vice Admiral Boss Farm: Go to Marine Fortress and head up the stairs into the large fortress where the Vice Admiral boss will spawn. Defeat him with the quest accepted and you’ll get $30,000+ each time and then server hop to respawn him. I recommend doing this as a Marine due to a slightly better respawn location to reach the quest and the boss. This can easily get you Magma fruit if you’re in the First Sea but there are better methods later.

Second Sea Beli Farming in Blox Fruits

how to farm beli in second sea blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

Here are all Beli farming methods in the Second Sea:

  • Sea Beast Farming: While in the Second Sea, sail away from the main islands and you’ll have a chance to spawn a massive Sea Beast that you can farm for tons of money. You can do this with a friend but more importantly, I highly recommend a Magma fruit for these events due to its excellent damage and affordable cost. Any fruit that allows you to walk on water like Buddha also works here.
how to farm money in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox
  • Portal Boss Farm: Farming bosses is always a great idea with server hopping but if you have the Portal fruit, you can use the World Warp ability to teleport to each boss on all islands in the Second Sea and farm them for money since they’re easy to beat once you’re higher level but give you lots of Belis.
  • AFK Farm: Find any Second Sea location where there are plenty of enemies grouped up in a single area. Download an auto-clicker like we did in this guide for Dragon Scale farming. I highly recommend Quake, Buddha, or any Logia fruit with lots of AOE attacks where you are higher level than the enemies without Haki so that you’re immune to their attacks thanks to Logia passive. Now all you have to do with Quake or Buddha is climb on a safe high-ground and spam the massive AOE move of Quake or Buddha form and attacks with Buddha with an auto clicker while AFKing. For Logia fruits, you can just stay in the middle of enemies since you’ll be immune if they’re lower level and have no Haki. Leave it for 10 minutes to test the location and over night when you find a location you like for insane Beli gains.

Third Sea Beli Farming in Blox Fruits

how to farm beli in third sea blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

The Third Sea Beli farming is highly similar to Second Sea methods but NPCs just give way more money here:

  • Boss Farming: The Castle on the Sea portals or the Portal Fruit itself allow you to visit each island quite fast and farm all of their bosses. Go from island to island with these two methods and defeat all the bosses for excellent amounts of Belis.
  • Sea Beast Farming: Farming Sea Beasts in the Third Sea is the best way to go. Grab a friend or two and sail away from the main islands into Sea Danger Levels 0-6 where you can find plenty of Sea Beasts or even the Rumbling Waters event. I would avoid Sea Danger Level 6 since it’s not worth the hassle but any of the lower Danger levels work wonders. The more party members you have the more you can spread out and have a higher chance to spawn a Sea Beast. Then you can all go to the player who spawned it and defeat it together. Again, Magma and Buddha are some of the best fruits here but any water-walking or flying fruit works quite well.
how to farm sea beasts and money in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox
  • AFK Farming: Same as in the Second Sea, there are plenty of places to setup here and AFK farm regular enemies like we talked about before.

That’s it for my Beli farming guide in Blox Fruits. For more Blox Fruits guides, check out how to unlock all Fighting Styles including through Godhuman.