If you’ve been playing BloxFruits for a while, you’ll know that a lot of things require waiting. You wait for the Blox Fruits Gacha, you wait for the Blox Fruit Dealer, you wait for Quest Items to respawn. Today, we’ll be adding another thing to the waiting list: the Legendary Sword Dealer. In this guide, we’ll tell you what he does, when does he appear and how you can speed up the waiting game.
Who is the Legendary Sword Dealer?

The Legendary Sword Dealer, like the name suggests, is an NPC that can sell you a legendary sword; three of them in fact. When you visit and talk to him you get the option of buying one of these three swords for $2,000,000:
- Saishi
- Oroshi
- Shizu
You don’t get to pick which sword he has on him, it’s always random which one he carries at any given time. Just like any good black-market dealer worth his salt, the Legendary Sword Dealer doesn’t always appear in the same place.
The Legendary Sword Dealer spawns every 5 hours and 15 minutes (real time). He will disappear in 15 minutes or as soon as any player buys a sword from him.
Legendary Sword Dealer spawn locations
The Legendary Sword Dealer can spawn in one of six different locations. Before you ask, no, there’s no way to tell beforehand where he will appear. You simply need to check all locations the old fashioned way. Here are all the spawn locations:
Location | Info |
![]() Colosseum | On the back side of the Colosseum at the last set of windows |
![]() Behind the grassy mountain | The closest grassy mountain to the Green Zone, opposite of the Jeremy boss. |
![]() Remote Island | In the middle house. |
![]() Graveyard Island | On the middle mountain almost at the very top. |
![]() Green Zone | In the middle of Green Zone start climbing the leaves and he will be on one pretty high. You can spot him from the ground. |
![]() Waterway Tunnel | From the spawn location of Raiders (lvl 700 enemies in Kingdom of Rose), find a hole that leads to the Waterway and look for him there. |
Now that you know what he sells and where to find him, all you have to do is wait for him to spawn… and that’s where we come to the bad news.
How fo tell when the Legendary Sword Dealer will appear?

In the Second Sea, visit the Inn (the place where you trade), and speak with the Manager (he is behind the counter). The Manager will tell you how long until the Legendary Sword Dealer spawns. Of course, seeing how this is Blox Fruits, he will tell you this in a very cryptic way. You won’t be able to talk to the Manager until you’ve finished the Colloseum Quest (refer to our Race V2 guide to see how to complete it).
Here’s what each of of his sentences means:
Manager response | What is actually means |
Are you new to this island? | You haven’t finished the Colosseum Quest yet |
It’s still too early for you to be here. | You need to wait 10 minutes (happens after just logging in or server hopping). |
Some pirates said they ran into him on a nearby island last week. | The Legendary Sword Dealer will appear in around 4 hours. |
A man in here earlier claimed to see his ship nearby today. | The Legendary Sword Dealer will appear in about 1 hour and 15 minutes (you can wait for him). |
I think he should be getting here soon,… | The Legendary Sword Dealer will appear in 15 minutes or less (Get ready). |
Hey! I just saw him! He told me he would be in the area for 15 minutes. Good luck! | The Legendary Sword Dealer has spawned (Go, go, go!) |
Meh, he left not too long ago. | The Legendary Sword Dealer will appear in 5 hours and 15 minutes. |
As you can probably imagine, finding The Legendary Sword Dealer can be annoying. Not only do you have to server hop, wait patiently, and then race against every other player on the server to be the first one to buy a sword, but you may not even get the sword you want.
Our advice: Don’t stress over this too much. When you’re in the Inn, talk to the manager, see if the Legendary Sword Dealer is around and if he is, try to get to him, without worrying too much.
If, on the other hand, you absolutely need to get the swords he sells, and don’t want to deal with other players beating you to the punch, your only option is use a private server (either host one yourself or get into a friend’s server).
That’s all there is to it. Good luck with finding the Legendary Sword Dealer. Check out our Blox Fruits codes if you need a quick boost.