How to Unlock All Dojo Belts in Blox Fruits

Here's everything you need to know about all Dojo Belts in Blox Fruits.

Updated: January 24th, 2025, 11:12 AM • By Gordan Perisic

how to get all dojo belts in blox fruits

Table of Contents

Completing all Dojo Belt quests from the Dojo Trainer not only gives you some powerful melee Accessories but also unlocks NPCs. The Yellow Belt unlocks the Dragon Hunter for key items and Black Belt unlocks the Dragon Wizard for Dragon Eggs and the Draco race. Here?s how to unlock every Dojo Belt in Blox Fruits.

How to Unlock Every Dojo Belt in Blox Fruits

how to unlock all dojo belts in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

To be able to complete Dojo Belt quests from the Dojo Trainer on Hydra Island Third Sea, you must have the Dragon Talon fighting style at 500 Mastery. To do this:

  • Dragon Talon: You can buy the Dragon Talon Fighting Style from Uzoth outside of the Dragon Dojo for $3,000,000 and f5000. That said, to be able to buy Dragon Talon you first have to have the lesser Dragon Breath fighting style at 400 Mastery and give Uzoth the Fire Essence item.
    • Dragon Breath: You can get Dragon Breath from Sabi in the Kingdom of Rose (Second Sea) or Castle on the Sea (Third Sea). Level it up to 400 Mastery and talk to Uzoth.
    • Fire Essence: Also, you?ll need to give Uzoth the Fire Essence, which you get as a Random Surprise from the Death King NPC for 50 Bones at the Haunted Castle in the Third Sea. Keep giving him 50 Bones until you get it.

Once you get Dragon Talon from Uzoth and have farmed it up to Mastery 500, you can talk to the Dojo Trainer in the Dragon Dojo for Belt quests. You can accept and complete up to 3 Belt quests every 12 hours and Belts are unlocked in order from White to Black. Below you?ll find all Dojo Belts in Blox Fruits.

White Belt

The White Belt Admittance quest is the first quest you get from the Dojo Trainer to unlock the White Belt. To complete the quest you need to defeat any 20 NPCs but their level cannot be higher or lower than yours by more than a 100. The rewards are:

  • White Belt Accessory
    • +2% Melee Damage
    • +10% Movement Speed
  • Rare Scroll to enchant weapons via the Dragon Talon Sage at Tiki Outpost, Third Sea

Yellow Belt

how to unlock yellow dojo belt in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

The second quest for the Yellow Belt is called Water Warrior and it?s quite important since it also unlocks the Dragon Hunter NPC. To complete it, you?ll have to defeat 5 Sea Creatures. I highly recommend just going for smaller Sharks and Piranhas around Sea Danger Level 1 or 2. You reach Sea Danger levels by sailing away from the main islands in the Third Sea until you see rocks appear from the ocean and your compass says Level 0, 1, 2, etc. The rewards are:

  • Yellow Belt Accessory
    • +4% Melee Damage
    • +20% Movement Speed
  • Access to the Dragon Hunter NPC in the Dragon Dojo
  • F300

Orange Belt

Next up we have the Orange Belt quest Diplomacy, which just requires you to trade with another player. I completed this with a friend but any successful trade works. The rewards are:

  • Orange Belt Accessory
    • +6% Melee Damage
    • 30% Movement Speed
  • Legendary Scroll to enchant weapons via the Dragon Talon Sage at Tiki Outpost, Third Sea

If you did the White, Yellow, and Orange Belt quests quickly in a row, you?ll have to wait 12 hours to do the next three.

Green Belt

how to reach prehistoric island in blox fruits
Screenshot by FruityBlox

For the Green Belt quest called Beyond the Horizon, you?ll have to sail into Sea Danger Level 4+ and stay there for 5 minutes. You don?t have to do this alone. If you?ve never sailed Sea Danger levels you reach Level 0 by sailing away from the main islands in the Third Sea until you start seeing rocks appear from the ocean. Your compass on the left will start counting levels from 0 to 6(???) so just keep sailing away to enter more dangerous levels with tougher mobs and bosses. The rewards are:

  • Green Belt Accessory
    • +8% Melee Damage
    • +40% Movement Speed

Blue Belt

The Blue Belt quest called Saikeirei (Respectfully Bowing) is another social interaction quest like for the Orange Belt. You?ll need to pick up a fruit dropped by another player and return it to them. This must be in the Third Sea. I did this with a friend where they just dropped me a fruit and I gave it right back to complete the quest. The rewards are:

  • Blue Belt Accessory
    • +8% Melee Damage
    • +40% Movement Speed
  • F500
  • You can now upgrade Dragon Talon at Uzoth in the Dragon Dojo on Hydra Island

Purple Belt

The Purple Belt quest called Hunt just requires you to kill 3 Elite Pirates. I highly recommend just searching around for these named pirates because they spawn on Hydra Island and you don?t have to go to another island. One is near the Dragon Crew Quest Giver and Dragon Crew Warriors and Archers while another can spawn near the centre town area. You can even server-hop to find and farm them. The rewards are:

  • Purple Belt Accessory
    • +14% Melee Damage
    • +70% Movement Speed
  • Legendary Scroll to enchant weapons via the Dragon Talon Sage at Tiki Outpost, Third Sea
  • Crafting recipe for Dragon Aura Skins

You might have to wait 12 hours after completing the Purple Belt since the Dojo Trainer quests will be on cooldown.

Red Belt

how to unlock red dojo belt in blox fruits
Screenshot by FruityBlox

For the Red Belt you?ll have to complete either the Terrorshark or the Rumbling Waters Sea Events that spawn in Sea Danger Levels 2 or above. For how to reach Sea Danger Levels, see Green Belt. It doesn?t matter if you do the three Sea Beasts from Rumbling Waters or kill the Terrorshark, whichever one spawns first and you finish it counts for the Red Belt. You can do it with friends as long as you contribute kill credit to the fight. I highly recommend the Magma fruit both for the incredible damage and the Magma puddles to walk on water. The rewards are:

  • Red Belt Accessory
    • +12% Melee Damage
    • +60% Movement Speed
  • Ability to craft the Dragonheart sword and Dragonstorm gun from the Dragon Hunter at Dragon Dojo, Hydra Island.

Black Belt

prehistoric island volcano guide in blox fruit
Screenshot by FruityBlox

The Black Belt quest called Ryu to Ittai (One With Dragons) requires you to find the Prehistoric Island and complete it. I highly recommend you check out our Prehistoric Island guide and that you bring at least one person with you. Essentially, it has a chance to spawn on Sea Danger Level 6 and the Volcanic Magnet that you craft from the Dragon Hunter increases your chances to spawn it. The Volcano Event on the island requires you to both defend the Dino Skull from Lava Golems and attack the Volcano to keep its pressure below 100%. The rewards for the Black Belt quest are:

  • Black Belt Accessory
    • +16% Melee Damage
    • +80% Movement Speed    
    • +1 Extra Instinct Dodge
  • F1500
  • Access to the Dragon Wizard NPC in the Dragon Dojo that can teach you the Dragon Tether skill for getting Dragon Eggs (From Volcano Event on Prehistoric Island after keeping the Dino Skull at above 90% HP). The Wizard can also unlock the Draco race for you.
  • Access to the Dragon Hunter NPC?s Gacha rolls.

And that?s how to unlock all Dojo Belts in Blox Fruits. For more Blox Fruits guides, check out how to get and use Dragon Scales.