How to Get the Ghoul Mask in Blox Fruits

Unleash your inner Tokyo Ghoul.

Updated: January 22nd, 2025, 9:07 AM • By Gordan Perisic

how to get ghoul mask in blox fruits

I?ll talk about everything you need to know about getting a Ghoul Mask from farming Ectoplasm to its stats and tips. Let?s cover the basics and then dive into more details. Here?s how to get the Ghoul Mask in Blox Fruits.

Where to Get the Ghoul Mask in Blox Fruits

how to find ghoul mask in blox fruits
Image by FruityBlox

Here are the three basic steps for getting the Ghoul Mask and we?ll dive into more details below:

  • Step 1 – Cursed Ship: Go to the Cursed Ship in the Second Sea and enter it via the door on the main deck (The entry level requirement is 1000+, but you can use the Portal Fruit?s C ability or Flash Step teleport to enter earlier).
  • Step 2 – El Perro: From the entrance spawn, go right and continue into the room with the large red bed to find the El Perro NPC.
  • Step 3 – Ectoplasm: You can buy the Ghoul Mask from El Perro for 50 Ectoplasm which is an Uncommon material dropped from Cursed Ship hostile NPCs. You need to be Level 1000+ to get Ectoplasm as a drop.
how to buy ghoul mask in blox fruits
Screenshot by FruityBlox

You can find out how much Ectoplasm you have by talking to Guashiem in the Cursed Ship. Check out our Ectoplasm farm guide below to get the Ghoul Mask fast.

Related: Full Blox Fruits Map Guide

Ectoplasm Farming Guide in Blox Fruits

how to farm ghoul mask in blox fruits
Screenshot by FruityBlox

You need to be Level 1000+ to get Ectoplasm as a drop and you need 50 for the Ghoul Mask. Here are all Cursed Ship NPCs that have a chance to drop Ectoplasm, how much they drop, and how to farm below:

  • Ship Deckhand: Drops 1 Ectoplasm (Best Farm).
  • Ship Engineer: Drops 1 Ectoplasm.
  • Ship Steward: Drops 1 Ectoplasm (Best Farm).
  • Ship Officer: Drops 1 Ectoplasm.
  • Ghost Shark: Drops 4-5 Ectoplasm (Only on Haunted Shipwreck Sea Event).
  • Haunted Crew Member: Drops 4-5 Ectoplasm (Only on Haunted Shipwreck Sea Event)..
  • Cursed Captain (Raid Boss Every Third Night): Drops 10 Ectoplasm (Guaranteed Drop – Best Farm).

All regular mobs have a pretty good chance to drop Ectoplasm reaching up to 50% drop chance. The best NPCs to farm for Ectoplasm are Stewards and Deckhands because they’re easy to kill. The Cursed Captain is also a great way to get Ectoplasm because it?s a guaranteed drop of 10 and the boss isn?t hard if you have a decent build. I highly recommend you server hop for Cursed Captain Ectoplasm farming. Otherwise, If you?re going for mobs, the Buddha, Quake, and Dragon fruits are some of the best farming options along with full body haki.

Lastly, once you?ve farmed 50 Ectoplasm for the Ghoul Mask, here are other items that require Ectoplasm:

  • Skull Guitar (250)
  • Midnight Blade (40 to Upgrade)
  • The Ghoul Race (100)
  • Bizarre Revolver (25)
  • Midnight Blade (100)
  • Titles ? The Ghost, Ruler of Night, Lonely Reaper (Respectively collect 100, 250, 1000)

Ghoul Mask Stats in Blox Fruits

Here are the stats for the Ghoul Mask along with some useful tips:

  • +10% Life Leech/2.5% Life Leech against NPCs (Heal by dealing damage).
  • +35% Movement Speed.
  • +500 Energy.
  • Tips: The Ghoul Mask provides a massive boost to Energy and incredible HP sustain when combined with the Ghoul race and Evolved Buddha which is incredible for Raids. It makes you essentially unkillable. Best of all, it?s really easy to get due to high Ectoplasm drop chance.

That?s it for how to get the Ghoul Mask in Blox Fruits. For more Blox Fruits guides, check out how to farm Dragon Scales and Blaze Essence.